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Tcivnoc 68 (or convict backwards)

This is my second convic, this time in reverse!!!t and what a beautiful day to ride. My mate Daniel and I arrived on a cold misty morning in St. Albans in time to see the 100km riders start. We then got ourselves changed and started to get prepared to take on the 68km race.
Since we arrived early into the chute we were close to front but decided to go in the second wave, and being near the start i was first in the line up, so either this or my bright yellow shoes and bright orange helmet got the attention of the person doing interviews at the start of the race and i was asked lots of questions which I am sure I gave very boring answers too.
Anyway the race started and all was well until we got to jacks climb and I forgot just how steep it is and had to walk about half of the steepest parts, but I knew after getting to the top we would eventually get a nice decent down woomera (which I cursed all of last year going up it). I was cruising along and decided to have a gu on the go and picked the worst time as I finished it just before the main decent and couldn't get it back in my shorts so had to carry the packet all the way down the hill so I didn't litter the trail as well as mange to use the brake.
All went well and then I got to the kayak bridge, after walking across last year I thought it would be interesting to see what it is like to ride it, and with the increased width it proved rather easy. After climbing shepherds gully I hit all the rock steps and there just seemed to be so many of them and they were challenging to get up, and sometimes pick the right line to go down which resulted in me having one OTB, but luckily not hurt.
As the course then split between the 68km and 100km race I was so glad I only had 20kms to go rather than 50kms to go!!! I was pretty happy with my time but came in 30 seconds behind another friend and if I new he was just ahead I may have pushed a little harder on the road section . I then waited for Daniel to come across the line so we could share a beer together at end.
What great day out and I hope everyone had fun
- ahein's blog
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Glad you made it through, I rode by the 68km turnoff thinking exactly the same thing. I must have entered the wrong event!