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Simon's blog

Manly Dam - Authorised Changes
How the track rides, what lines we take and how they are shaped is something we are all passionate about.
We have a meeting with Council next week including reps from clubs and NobMob.
The purpose of this meeting is to look at future trail works and many of the issues in the other thread.
Can people post photos of key sections of track such as the BBQ patio and 19th Hole and any other favourate segments with diagrams and show what they regard as key beginner and more advanced lines.
Others can also comment. The photos also document what is there currently.

Manly Dam Trail Works Update: June '11 Description
As discussed in the previous update on 27/6/11 the Manly Dam rangers arranged for a meeting at the dam to look at sheduled works on the Allambie side.
NoBMob and Manly Warringah club reps took a few hours off work to meet yesterday afternoon until well after dark to talk over the area commonly known as the 19th hole and a section near Cootamundra Drive. One of these reps was our own in house riding Geomorphologist (expert on soil erosion and design solutions).
The main points of discussion were: