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Help Lengthening Juicy 5 Hydraulic hose?

Has anyone had experience in lengthening the Hydraulic Hose on an avid juicy? Do you need to buy a new hose with the part that connects to the caliper already pressed onto the hydraulic hose? Or can this part be reused? Sorry if i Haven't explained my self very well
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Connecting the hose to the lever (or caliper) of most disc brakes, you will usually find:
1. compression olive
2. straight connector
3. washers
4. outer sleeve
For actual parts in your juicy, look online for a service manual or overhaul instructions.
All parts are re-usable, but getting them out is difficult without some damage - straight conenctors are usually very tightly fit, with the compression olive being of a soft metal (brass) tightly gripped around the end of the hose around the connector.
I would think hoses are normally sold without those parts connected (or at all), mainly because you would have to tailor the length of the hose to the bike anyway.
The connections on the caliper side are pressed onto the hose on Juicy's so you will need to get a new hose with a banjo on the end. You will also need a new olive and barb that goes into the hose on the lever end
Eg see the pic below