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sustagen vs endura optimizer (sic)

Just wondering if anyone has any thoughts on which is better for a post ride drink.
Sustagen is way cheaper (20$ for 900grams vs. $57 for 1400grams) and has more protein, but less carbs. I know the carbs are important for glycogen replacement but at that price though I could drink twice as many without the guilt.
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Post ride I'm mainly looking for protein, figuring I'd have had plenty of sugary carbs during the workout. I read someplace that consuming protein can stimulate glycogen replacement.
Given this I've taken to drinking Vital Greens Phyto-Protein and really like it:
Chocolate flavour mixed with Oatmilk tastes great and doesn't trouble my dodgy stomach.
Aussie made too
I'm no expert on this but wouldn't a handful of lollies plus a protein shake be pretty much ideal? Lollies such are pretty much all carbs? Would be cheap too....
Carbs and protein in the same hit would be best. The most benefit is going to be within the first 30 mins following exercise.
One paper I read suggested that in terms of replacing carbs, protein, essential fats, minerals vitamins etc, the best and simplest option was……………(drum roll)…………….chocolate milk!
Low fat versions were best but it was an ideal way to get the sugar and protein back into your system.
Unless you get the other stuff on the cheap or Team Yeti sponsors all those with orange frames...
You can cover your carb intake with pretty much any 'normal' foods.
Cheers guys
I think the formula for post ride (and pre ride really) is 2 thirds carbs to 1 third protein. The glycogen replacement is very important post ride. I have heard different theories on when to take it but most suggest as soon as you can, which is why I take a shake with me to races so I can drink them as soon as I have cooled down (usually with great difficulty). I'll have another shake when I get home along with the usual meal, and another when I go to bed. As you can see though it gets exy when the Endura costs $60 per tub.
I think I will give Sustagen a shot, it looks good from the label and appears to have most of the same stuff as the Endura in terms of percentages anyway. The only difference could be how quickly it is absorbed (hypertonic/hypotonic etc) and I suppose the type of protein, which I think is only really a problem when you are looking to absorb very quickly (whey protein)
Hi mate, i use a high percentage protein powder from mr vitamins in chatswood( great prices here) and look for something that is around 90%protein ( 90 grams per 100 grams). the bigger containers are value for money and youll only need 1 tablespoon approx for a good protein serve so it will last a long time. Secondly go to health for store ( or perhaps mr vitamins also has it?) and get a huge tub of maltodextrin powder. I have a 4kg tub called pure carbs from gen-tec for $48.90 ( $12 approx per kilo). you can also use the maltodextrin powder for mixing with any other liquid you choose. i mix it with endura/gatorade for my mega hydro carb riding juice!
If you have any questions just give me a ring. number on profile , Darren.
Check this out.
I've found it very useful.
Along with recommended foods, I also take a Horleys whey protein/carb shake after my rides.