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Re: This ride meeting:
CORC 24hr 2009
The Im Por Ted
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5 I only did one lap but I feel like I raced all night after my first lap tumble oh well maybe next time I will get in more than one lap before smacking the ground.
Thanks Gav & V you guys took it pretty well.
John thanks for the wrist strap / support thingy I quite possibly may not of been able to finish the lap with out it.
Xrays came up clear no breaks no dislocations so will be back on the road bike on Thursday night and the mountain bike in a few weeks.
My 1 lap - 01:17:44
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Nice... well, not nice... but better than it could have been.
My biggest crash yet to date scared me silly and I really came out of it quite lightly considering my speed and what I hit and bounced off as I tumbled down the hill.
I am glad my body didnt make the same impact as my handlebars did as that would of broken something for sure.
I really should of done a sighting lap as this would have given me a clue as to how rough it was just before pork barrell and I wouldnt of launched in to the run in at full speed.
As soon as I am better I am going to head back down to Stromlo as I am really pissed I didnt get much of a ride.