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National park camping near Stromlo

FOB's picture

By FOB - Posted on 30 October 2009

Hi all,

Does anyone know of some good National park camp grounds near Stromlo ?

ad's picture

There is a NP Camp ground on the left just after you cross the river. Its very nice, fee firewood and I seem to remember it even had hot showers

Just keep driving east on Cotter Road and you cant miss it.

FOB's picture

Nice one thanks mate

xtremlyfathead's picture

I think he means west???
But yeah great little spot.

Colt's picture

Is that a standard NPWS camping ground or is it an a 'pay and stay' type place? (i.e. Is it a business?) Hard to tell from looking at the satellite shots. Eye-wink I too am looking for somewhere to camp out down there for my trip next year.


Hans's picture


Cotter Dam is a great spot, by the river....

It is smallish, but cosy and in a great location. Pay and stay, $ 10 p.p collected by NPWS ranger. Hot showers, fire places. Popular with cyclists.


Colt's picture

This is a bit delayed but thank you Hans! I am now organising a trip down for next year to go riding with an old friend.


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