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Newby friendly Perimeter + Long (Terry Hills)

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
Park opposite/beside Terrey Hills shops, corner Booralie Rd/Yulong Ave. Or in the small carpark next to the RFS station & community centre.
This is a reprise of the ride held last weekend that I couldn't make. It will be a straightforward non-technical ride, and suitable for those wishing to introduce a friend to the sport.
The ride will be slow and social. I haven't ridden this trail previously, so we can go exploring together. The length of the out-and-back is about 22km, so probably not suitable for really young children.
Weather Plan:
If it turns out to be unbearably hot we will postpone to a 5pm start so as not to stress the junior riders.
If steady or heavy rain or slushy conditions we will defer one week
If light or intermittent rain and good track conditions we will ride.

Were you there and have a story to tell?
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Hey everybody just did the ride and loved it! Looking forward to doing it again on saturday.
Haven't ridden here yet Y not ,only if it is not raining will check in here around 12.30 b4 I leave to see if we are still on . If not come home & rest up to go check out the fling
I'm new in the NoBMoB and dont really know how to add myself in the list of riders...If possible I would like to ride with you guys sat arvo at Terry Hills, I've never done this track and I recon that will be cool. See you all there.
hey im also new, only a few weeks on the forum. To add your self to the ride do as so. Theres the list of people doing the ride, above the text that says "whos in" theres two signs (a star and the other one) click the star and that will add you. See you soon
Thanks for a fun ride, guys. It's so much more fun doing it as a group instead of solo.
Gratitude to Hans for playing tourist guide. That Specialized of yours is one awesome bike - thanks for the test ride. Sorry about the destruction testing!
Thanks also, really fun stuff. I'm gonna post a ride soon, probably a few weeks for wildflower Garden + Ryland so anyone who wants to join feel free. Special thanks to hans aswell.
Thanks again
Thanx all for the ride was good to see the new bike can go the distance . I got the bolt undone hawkeye a hammer helped & I put tape in front in case it moves again lol
Thanks for the ride boys, it was my first group ride and was really fun...looking forward for the next one...
Nice to me you all. I have been wanting to do group ride for a while. Sorry I had to leave early, but I had to be in the door before 4:20pm. Hope your shoulder survived Hawkeye. Nice enduro lounge chair Hans!
Didn't feel at all unstable, although it was a bit tired this morning, along with the rest of me. Lifting some things overhead this morning was a bit harder than usual, but you can reframe that as having given it a good workout.
Thanks again for your company, guys. Much appreciated.
Josh has requested we do it again next weekend (he actually said something like "good for fitness"
) so I will probably post this ride again for next Saturday. That will probably have done everybody for that trail for a couple of weeks, so I will probably look at doing Duck Holes + Centre Track the week after for those who might like to tag along .
Those cramps I complained about yesterday came again today way b4 I hit wingello so I had to pull out after 33kms ,hitch a ride back , will
learn from experience keeping up the sugar levels
you were the nice boy who lent Craig your bike yes?
Cramps hey..tell me, were you drinking enough water? Yes, I harp on about this constantly... and also did you have GU or anything like that? There are oodles of threads about this on nobmob but in reality, i am so sorry for you that you had to stop the ride...that would be plain upsetting
very nice of you to lend your bike...
Cramps are not fun, eh.
A loss of salts is supposed to be a contributor to cramps. Magnesium in particular. I suffer from cramps as well - magnesium orotate is something my cyclist physio recommended and Arran Pearson who went to the 24hr Solo Worlds this year says helps him as well. He says he uses Endura sports drink. I just use magnesium tablets for the moment - I'll get around to getting some Endura soon. Mag salts are something that you need to adapt to. Too much can lead to an upset stomach.
A consistent stretching routine is equally important - something I'm very lax about.
My backpack was full with powerade maybe was getting weaker as the ice was melting I had water in my bottle cage as well . During the last few months of riding due to loosing weight I have cut down my sugar level dramaticaly using equal instead of sugar & i'm not a big salt person either only love it on my chips & potatoes. I had a powerbar gel before cramping , I got too the second water crossing when it wasgetting worse then I tried to stetch it out bad that was where it was at it's worse so I rode on thats when craig & his friends past me when I was on the phone , then caught them up later having a break, before seeing them at the transition area