You are herePut that in your pipe and smoke it, Gaz!!

Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Gaz!!

love4riding's picture

By love4riding - Posted on 22 December 2009

22 Dec 09

Gaz "The Northern Monkey" Harwood, got all excited last night when he got within 30seconds of my old slow lap time. So Gaz, Put that in your pipe and smoke it! Just wait till I take the Scalpel out next time.

ar_junkie's picture

Let him at least savour the moment... Eye-wink

LadyToast's picture

Bring back the old dam, with bumps and rocks.

Fankles's picture

Shit that's quick Wazza, I have some work to do to get near that. Well done you bloody mighty midget!
I'd better put down that double egg and bacon roll in my left hand and feed squid the rest of the gingerbread cookie I just poached.
Drastic measures I tell you drastic!

GAZZA's picture

bar stuard!

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