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Manly Dam opened again

Quick update.. just got home from council meeting.
1. Dam is to reopened until the plan of action is sorted. (6 months ish).
2. Walkers are being prohibited from using the trail. (not great.. )
3. They will be looking to re-instate volunteer days again.
The general consensus is to cancel the protest rides. If people are going to ride on the 6th go for it, but perhaps it will be best to spread out so we don't cause any issues.
More updates to come once we get the minutes (and I have had my dinner!)
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so that's how democracy works eh?
give me a pro MTB evil dictatorship any day
Nice one edmond, thanks for the update. Well done all involved, we showed ourselves to be the mature, responsible and forthright group that we knew we were. It is a shame about the walkers, having broke my wrist a few weeks back I had a walk through the dam and thoroughly enjoyed where I walked so hopefully that can be worked out sensibly.
A good opportunity to use this momentum and continue with the serious issue of trail advocacy. I know some will laugh at that because they have been at it for many years now. Still, this has woken a lot of people up (myself included) to the issue and there are a lot of people willing to do what is needed. Like this post has stated, we need to keep the ball rolling!
Well done all involved. Just need to be able to harness some of that energy in the future to support campaigns for more / better tracks.......
Thats good but its also bad in a small way.
Its good in the fact we get a trail to ride again, but obivously bad for the small monority of people who actually braved the single trail on foot. As has been said in a previous post, most bushwalkers found it to dangerous to walk, and i am sure the danger would be the terrain
I must apologise for not turning up, shit happened and it was just to far away, but its great to see a positive out come.
Big props to everyone who did what they did
DAM OPENED - This is correct and the motion to re-instate volunteer days was passed, so we are "GO" for that as well. The extra good news is that the council also agreed to spend up to $100,000 on the management plan and track expantion. I believe they are opening the track up on Friday this week.
so i guess we still need to focus somewhat on the 23 March meeting and the PoM?
Thats certainly one hell of a backflip!!! $100k
A hollow victory I fear, yes I'm super happy we can ride again but perhaps some of the arguments tonight were correct and its a silly and unreasonable resolution, sure we can all ride again but this is sure to bring a plethora of negative reaction ( stay tuned ) and ultimately unworkable, although the POM should (hopefully) address this.
What about shared bike tracks like the one around Jamison park, there's a single track there that people ride/walk.. what's next?
I thinks Cr Sutton's common sense approach was best, but sadly it appears that the adage is true "common sense isn't all that common"
Besides its flawed anyhow as what happens if you fall off your bike? are you technically a walker for a fraction of a second and thus in violation of the rules
Was an eye opener last night - that's for sure. Councillor Sutton seemed to be able to cut thru to the core issue. I was hoping they would have created an amendment to the signage. 'Designated Mountain Bike track" Walkers enter at your own risk" to solve most of the problems. Instead the signage will be verbose and hard to read at 15kp/h " What did that sign say - something about roots, erosion, walkers"
Which one was Councillor Sutton? the lady in the purple that told it how it was?
That's the one.
I think the first part of your statement may answer your question.
Also thanks to you all for your efforts unfortunately I was working Monday and Tuesday night.
Don't get too excited about the 100k.
It was based on what will be left in the surplus............think about it!
and also it was up to 100K so that is anything from 1 dollar up
Glad that common sense is making some headway though I'm sure it is not over yet.
Good to see a few comments this morning acknowledging the "loss" of the track to walkers, not that I have ever actually seen a walker on the singletrack.
I am an occasional MTB-er but regular runner of the dam. Myself and a few friends run the MTB-loop regularly - normally early doors on the weekend before most riders are up. We have normally had a laugh/chat with most MTBers, never any trouble - are we going to cop some spray now or will people acknowledge that the ban on walkers is either (a) not applicable to runners or (b) unfair. We run pretty fast as well.
But do I have this right
It was recently found that bike riding on the single track has been illegal for all these years
Now after 2 weeks of hoo ha
It's the people on foot who are now illegal?
Yep... for now
Dicky, I seriously doubt you will get any flak from bikers while you are running around the dam. The ban on walkers wasn't imposed by riders after all.
And now there'll be no noobs either
As walking the techy sections will be against the law
As it should be
I have seen a walker on the track on a couple of occasions, never any collision or other issue between us (and if we did, oh no, I bumped into someone doing 5 km/h - people bump into me in the city going faster than that every day!). I even, ahem, walked with someone and had a quick chat on one particularly difficult section for this somewhat unfit mtb’er. I would never encourage anyone to break the rules but I doubt that the rangers are likely to fine walkers for being on the track and since mtb’ers here were encouraging enjoyment of this facility for all, I cannot see anyone reprimanding or otherwise having any issues if someone was walking the track. It is so rare anyway.
@bloot ... lol, thats me out then.
I can just imagine a ranger lurking in the bushes near the rock steps, jumping out to bust anyone that doesn't make it up!!
on your camelbak and wear your gloves. That should short-circuit any stupidity, Dickie.
@MarkkyMarkk: Just the incentive I need... LOL
And what happens if you get a flat? Buggered if I'm lending you my spare tube!
bugger that.. all you walkers are now banned, unless your riding
For that 100K they could install some "walking camera's" and issue fines to cover the costs associated with running a bureaucracy that suddenly bans MTB, changes its mind, then bans walkers.. and then passes a resolution to spend up to 100K fixing a problem that really didn't even exist?
I think a demerit points system should be introduced as well
After racking up 12 points you're banned until you can do a whole lap without dabbing
6 points - not making it up heartbreak hill
4 points - not making it up the rock steps
Bike confiscation occurs if you walk any technical downhill sections
I'd support demerit points for people who ride when it's wet!
A small mention in todays paper.
I'd support bike confiscation under anti-hoon laws!
76 names on the manly dam hot lap list makes a median of number 38 which is approximately 34 and a half minutes.
Anyone taking longer than this will be considered a walker and points deducted from your mountain bike licence
ooohhhh, i have 4.5 minutes to shave off lol
34.5 minutes.. well I am screwed!
Its great to see The Manly Daily reporting as it is and pointing out we arent 100% happy with walkers being banned. So many other papers would have reported otherwise
Legally you can penalise a MTB but you cannot penalise a walker on public space. That is what i heard from a friend who is a lawyer that knows tort law. So the result protects the council from litigation and no one can actually get penalised.
Are you lot totally out there?
The RANGERS have TOLD us that Hot Laps are detrimental to our sport and access to the trails.
This was particularly brought to our attention with the Cascades Hot Laps, where they spoke to us about speed and public and being irresponsible and dangerous.
I really would have thought, that since we now have access back at the Dam the best, most sensible and most RESPONSIBLE course of action would be to simply say thank you, keep quiet and let our actions speak on our behalf that we are respectful of the tracks etc.
What is that thing about common sense? That its not common? Certainly not with you guys
so I guess the "walking camera" idea is a non starter..darn it! how about a "sense of humor camera" then?
"click" oh crap I just got done again!
obmal if this was facebook I would have clicked "Like"
"Certainly not with you guys"
obviously not with NobMob either given they have a "Hot Laps" leader board for Manly Dam
Nobmob...normal riders dont seem to feel the need to advertise their percieved prowess (aka ego) at the speed of which they can ride a track on a public forum...
as was mentioned on another link here, not only nobmob use the rides. And while a sense of humour is paramount to our sport I don't seriously think anyone found the clousure of the dam amusing or bantry bay or oxford falls cross country course...