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Formal notification of Manly Dam trail reopening

Formal notification of the trail reopening just appeared on Council's website:
Apparently the amended trail signs are to be erected by the weekend.
For those who had volunteered their time for Operation Secret Squirrel, thanks so much for your generosity. The erection of the signs will distort what we were hoping to achieve, unfortunately, so it sounds to me like a good excuse for y'all to go use the time for a ride instead. I'm probably going to sleep in.
Thanks again to everybody who wrote to Council and turned up on the Monday night at Narrabeen or Tuesday night at the Council meeting. All of these actions made a deep impression and hopefully will open a few doors.
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To Hawkeye for all his time and effort. Also everyone else that attended meetings and emailed the relevent authorities. looks like things are hopefully on the right track
Still a shame about the walkers being booted.
...hawkeye, you are too modest. Thanks you to yourself and Rob for your excellent work as point-men, Rob, also for this excellent site! In another life I am a sometimes software developer and general techie (ok, geek) and have been, and still am, active in many, many different forums and websites. I reckon that the community involved in this one is easily one of the best I have come across and it makes mtb'ing even more enjoyable (especially when recovering from a broken wrist because of the aforementioned enjoyable mtb'ing!).
yep well done everybody.
I'm sure there's a northern beaches walking club "NoBWoB"? site that's awash with talk of walk planning walks of a walk around the dam protest walk and a mass walk in on the next council meeting???
Some new signs were up as of last night informing that walkers were banned and that bikers are to use caution and to slow down at blind corners. All MTB banning signes were down although the gate was still closed at the entrance to the main part of the single track.
And yeah, great work to all involved in the re-opening. People power!
Actually its Go Jog, and I've found contacts and sent emails to extend our sympathies and to get them involved and talking to us regarding the consultation process for the Plan of Management review.
wonder if they will fine me when i walk my bike if it gets a flat.. (not that 29ers ever get flats
A most cynical arse covering excersise. There will never be fines or prosecutions of walkers im sure.