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I'll be back

Well I started in the second row behind Gaz and Pete as I haven't done any proper racing for quite a while and I thought if I could just keep there wheels for the first half lap that would be good.The start gun went the pack surged and immediately found myself in around 12 place with Gaz & Pete out of site this wasn't going to plan,over the next half a lap I managed to get past quite a few people and eventually caught a train of about 5 riders with Pete on the tail end but no Gaz.Sat on the back of the train and recovered for a little while then on the climbs Pete made an effort and overtook the train with me in tow Finally caught Gaz and the three of us rode for a while then Pete dropped off and Gaz made a break on a techie hill climb which I stuffed up.Just after the start of the last lap I was on Gazz's tail again we rode together untill the techie hill climb this time Gaz stuffed it but that meant I did to as was on his wheel with no where to go ,Gaz made a big effort and put some distance between us that I couldn't make up. Racing mates made for a really fun race .Bring on the next round!!
- Steve 01's blog
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Game on!
Should be an interesting season of racing...
should be good watching a 41 year old alcoholic and a 48 year old micro meal eater beat all those young whippets! Bring it on!
Chardy v creamed rice with S&V chips..........
Awesome (I wish I could stop using that awful Americanism) effort Steve. Promising to be a very entertaining season.
Does this mean you are doing the whole of this one as well? That's a lot of races throughout the year
have to do the whole series now,need to give Gaz a challange