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Solo rides

Can anyone suggest any good rides for me to do on my own during the week (work most weekends ) I'm only just getting back into it after a few years but am still of reasonable level fitness. Also, I've never ridden on the N-Beaches before...
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Adam it depends completely on what you are after.
If its improved fitness then IMHO for a Northern beaches ride its hard to go past Terry Hills. This is not a technical ride at all and there is little there that will throw you, says he who fell there the other night. It has a couple of hills but is predominately along the ridge line. What makes it great for fitness is the sand and the seemingly endless undulation. Its also a safe bet as a solo rider.
If you're after something a little more technical but are concerned about possible accidents being on your own then head to Manly Dam. I've ridden there lots mid week at different times of the day and have yet to do it without seeing other riders and walkers on the trail. If you do come a cropper then the chances are someone will find you pretty quickly.
If you're after a real technical challenge and have no concerns at all about getting hurt and being stranded then my ride of choice would be Morgan Rd (Oxford Falls). Lots of varying terrain and as long as you remember what side of the main fire trail you have been riding on then you can explore with little chance of getting totally lost.
Enjoy but just remember to let someone know where you are going and when you should be home.
I think Manly Dam is your best bet. It is busier during the day (well, all the time really) compared to Terrey Hills. Plus you will learn more new skills there, especially the faster you go. Ride getting boring? Just go faster!!
I don't think you will "learn" too much riding Terrey Hills, except enjoying a fun ride and get fitter, faster. It is a good explore and well worth the effort. Plus, if you were riding Manly Dam every day, you'll be screaming for something new.
Both rides are catalogued fantastically on this site. They were invaluable to me for exploring new rides some months ago. Plus you could always get an exercise bike too.
Thanks for those. My main concern is getting lost! Shall give them a try.
(broken record warning...) I'd suggest picking up Hugh Flower's little brown Sydney trails book, all good bike-shops should have it, CBD definitely as (I think) he's the owner! It has write-ups, maps and directions for Manly, Red Hill, Oxford Falls, RNP and others. More than enough to get started on.
I'd start with Manly then compare to HF's ratings and descriptions and from that you can figure out what else would suit you. If you're worried about getting lost then the book and Manly are a good start, you can't get lost there!
Further afield you might try the Oaks, easy going and again very hard to get lost.
On Saturday for the Oxford Falls ride I met a guy called Bruce who has mapped out with a compass and a topographical map ALL of Red Hill and Manly Dam in amazing detail - It's much clearer and easier than those books from the bike shops - he has sold the cd to the bike shops so all you have to do is go in and ask for one to be printed out in whatever size you like - he gave me an older laminated Red Hill map - it's fabulous! Has all puddles/dams/deadends/views/gates marked - the Manly Dam one he has also included Bantry Bay - yeaaay!
Even I will find it difficult to get lost with those, totally recommend them
Any idea what it is called? Just so I don't look like a dill, which'll be a first, when I ask for one.
I often am hopeless and no, I didn't - worse, Bruce hasn't joined the site yet!
He said he had been to all the local bike shops though so I would try one of the smaller friendly ones - only one said no to him and i think it was BA ...
Hey, and what's wrong with maps that can be found not far from here!
Load 'em up on Google Earth, dump a screen shot or two to show the terrain and you're away.
but really, these other one have EVERY SINGLE TRAIL on them even little squiggle ones - and dare I say it even the secret new bmx track at red hill - they say on the front - well, my one at home is called Red Hill Cycling Trail...
I often ride with Bruce - and several other gents (looking a lot like a Dad's Army)- early Sunday mornings around Red Hill (or Manly Dam, Narrabeen Lake, Terrey Hills...whatever takes our fancy).
On every ride, Bruce takes notes as to changes in the trails, new trails etc, so his maps are always up-to-date.
Is the "secret new BMX track" you refer to the one just between the lookout and the Main Trail?
yes it is!!!! i was so pleased he mapped it as i get lost around their cross country obstacle course just walking the dogs!!
He was really nice to ride with I found