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The Big O Training Ride mk II

unclebullbar's picture

By unclebullbar - Posted on 17 March 2010

Saturday, 20 March, 2010 - 09:00

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

4 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
SMS/PM me before to confirm.
Ride Database Entry: 
Ourimbah State Forest
Meeting Point: 

North End of Red Hill Rd, Ourimbah State Forest. I think they prefer us to park up on the second clearing these days???

Show on Google maps: Meeting point. Login or register to get directions.

Starting some longer rides in preparation for the Dirtworks. Looking to knock out 5 laps with minimal stops but may settle for more or less. This ride is about building a little bit of endurance back up and getting the feel of the trails again on Shrek the Trek that hasn't been ridden since the Scott 24hr. Not too fussed on pace at the moment so more than happy for people to come and go as they please.

Who's in?
Rob, unclebullbar
Rob unclebullbar
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Rob It's not just the heat! First up - thanks to Unclebullbar for the suggestion and looking after the two randoms (one of whom happens to be a colleague of mine) on the second lap. However, not sure I thank him for bringing Tate along - he damn near killed me on the 3rd lap...

Were you there and have a story to tell?

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BT's picture

CCOMTB are performing trail maintenance on Saturday in preparation for upcoming races.

Rob's picture

Going on what we saw last weekend, they will be working on the XC track from top of Demtel back down to Five Ways. There is plenty there to keep 'em busy all day and the rest of the track was in great shape.

So stick to the more usual circuit and you'll be good I reckon.

I should be good for this... will confirm later in the week.

scottm8's picture

Ahh bully I would have been in for this one except i'm going in the race the next day for a bit of training.
I dont think I could manage 2 days in a row.

Rob's picture

Ah... the Rush is primed and ready... see you there Smiling

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