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Wednesday 28th night ride

Ok so 10km at Yellowmundee just doesn't count which means no ride for me for over two weeks, I'm going stir crazy.
The boss is away tomorrow night and Tuesday its the boys 1st birthday so Wednesday it is for me.
Terry Hills for about a 7.30 start
Perimeter and Long tracks, hear the sand has settled a little with the rain.
Now I haven't ridden for two weeks so I'll be even a little less super quick than usual but will aim for a ride time of around 1.40, happy to ride through as usual.
Do the usual if you wnt to join me.
PS Rob, if you come bring the camera, you know why,
Tien and Christine, would be good to see your new lights,
Matt and Gazza, could do with the tow, OK Rob you can get counted in this as well
Evan, you need to train, don't want to stay slower than me for too long now do you?
Greg, how long since you're last night ride?
Everyone else, Dirtworks is another week closer!!
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Done... will see you there.
The new camera is banned from the trail, but we can take some pics after me thinks.
Ah yes - the hills comment, I was thinking of Cascades this Wed as climbing hills is required. However, we could pop down Booralie to do that... just for fun and all... if anyone else wants to that is
night ride at TH with us, we have enough trouble most weeks convincing everyone to trail ride home and not bail at the schools to avoid the last two hills.
All the way on the trail this week, regardless of mud or how late we start.
really need this midweek ride
did not do a mid week ride last week, and i was struggling over the weekend but made Wyatt to Sub power station in 25 minutes yesterday lunch, and i really felt it - now have a sore back!!
got to go for house auction on this wednesday night anyway, so any offer for tuesday or thursday night/evening ride would be great
Stuart, pity, i won't be able to see you inauguration of your new light
Happy ride
I may be a little slower than usual due to the trifling absence of rear brake (old Deore caliper leaking and replacement unlikely before Weds) but I'll be there.
this will only speed up your time now you have no fear after all the skills training you did in the land of the wrong white cloud
I rode THills on a borrowed bike on Sat and its like trying to ride on the beach....more sand than ever before. Ill try to make it as the more recent rain may have moved it about. Got to fix bike tonight in that case. See you at the shops at 7:30pm.
Terrey Hills is like a sandpit? That'll be awesome training for the DW100!
I'm definitely going to try to make this one as well - I haven't been out for a mountain bike ride in weeks now. Laps of Centennial Park is getting a bit old...
I'm actually thinking of getting out there a bit early and doing the usual 20km trip, then meeting everyone back at the carpark for a second go. Need the offroad training!
I will try to get there – the only thing that will keep me away from a night ride is work...we have the show Tuesday night and Wednesday night is still up in the air for entertaining our British friend (who I am wanting to bmp off on a cruise for the night so I can ride)...then we are all off to Perth Thursday morning...
Really, none of that will interest any of you, but as you know by now I like to waffle on... in that case...I will text you if I can’t come, other than that with this rain it should be a great ride!
MEEE – aka glitter ball!!!
I treated myself to a test yesterday.
39 km round trip from my place at Belrose headed up Forest Way to Mona Vale Rd, then ducked into Garigal, on the eastern crn side, looking for a lost trail that could descend down into the valley, but with no joy. (I’ll take a brush gutter next time)
Carried on from there to the Terry Hills perimeter and long trail then back home. Driving rain most of the way out and the occasional shower on the way back. Did pass another idiot out there though!
The fire trails are in a lovely damp compacted condition at the moment so should still be hard on Wednesday night especially if we get a few more down pours.
Yes, Stuart I have been away too long getting the knee better, but I’m back
See Ya’s Wednesday night!
PS: I’m bringing the traditional beer as usual
I'm new. Where is the meeting place? Shops? Echunga Rd? Kulgoa Cres? I'm hoping I can be there.
0414 577435
The usual TH meeting place is by the shops on Booralie Road, Terrey Hills. These are the ones a few 100m from Mona Vale Rd.
The time posted is usually 'ride time'... ie. come a few mins early to prepare your gear if that's required.
Hope to see you there
New rear brake caliper fitted last night, sorry Stu, it'll just be the usual stupid antics tonight with no mechanical excuses.
Thanks to Adam and the guys at CBD who had a surplus XT caliper that fit the bill, just from the lever feel the power and modulation are way better than the old Deore that carked it.
I may be a bit slower though as the sled is now set up with tech friendly flats and 2.3 tyres, which will make TH like riding a mattress...
And finally, I achieved N+1 last night! Building up the old Kona to a commuter to get those k's in, get to work quicker and single-handedly save the environment, or at least that's what the girlfriend will hear, while the Homer in my head just stares at it and drools ;@}
See you later,
Don't park at the shoips on Booralie Rd. There is a park beside these shops, with a street in between. Turn right into this street and park behind the park at the community centre.
I have mechanical excuses. My rear Juicy 5 keeps locking on, actually happened again at Yellowmundee the other week, this time I can't seem to release it properly, have previously used a tyre lever to pry the pads apart.
I don't have a blee kit so can't bleed the brakes and start again. I am after any tips as to what might be the cause of the problem. Any suggestions?
N+1 is the desired number of bikes.
Where N is the number you have now... ie. one more is always good
I shall add this in the MTB Slang part!
Its looking pretty stormy here in it going to be ride no matter what the weather? I'll ride in the rain no probs but i draw a line at riding in thunder storms....
Mate I'm sitting under blue sky and bloody humid temp. Unless it is absolutely teaming down here, Gladesville, I'll be heading up. That close to the coast its too hard to call the weather from anywhere but where you want to ride.
Besides the bike needs a wash
my bike is sparkling clean at the moment!
i will ride unless it's torrential... let me know if it's off though
It's humid as, outside. I am predicting a downpour around 5-6 then a glorious evening. But then again, what do I know!?
Sorry, but won't ride in the rain at night - perhaps I will seal up the lights completely after a few more rides to bed them in?
says scattered showers this afternoon and then a lovely evening with beautiful moonlight, bike riders in terrey hills and beer...
we can always just do some other training, maybe beer and pizza, Christine reckons they are great at the local pizza shop.
there is thunder here now so I think Rob as usual is probably's only early so the storm should have gone by 7 tonight.
who would believe i am just sooo busy and yet still on the site!
Stuart, I have Juicy 5's and they do exactly the same thing (I've held up a few rides releasing them). I bled them myself to no effect; I took them to a shop who bled them and they just keep locking up. Renegade Cycles in Lane Cove reckon it's a known problem and to just let some fluid out of the system (which is what I'd been doing anyway). Just need to be careful not to let any air in at the same time. I have the tool to loosen the hose screw, so I can do that tonight if you like (mine need doing again anyway).
It's a shame, because I really like the brakes. I tried some Juicy 3's on a Trance yesterday and they weren't nearly as smooth or effective. (Trance frame is on its way, just need to build it up!)
And as I write this post, it's just starting to rain over Glebe - judging from the radar, it'll be a short but intense downpour. I still want to get in a lap before the main group arrives - I'm planning to get there at about 5:30.
The weather radar is all over the shop and it is only 3:30, plenty of time before 7:00
I'll be there regardless. Dont care if the bike gets dirty or trashed....
cause i'm getting a new one
i'm getting a new one, i'm getting a new one, i'm getting a new one.
opps sorry, got carried away!
See yas at 7
PS: I'm getting a new one.
I'm riding unless it's raining.
I can't wait to see the glitter ball.
Count me in still
I'll be there, puffed from the ride up...
Good to see some new folk, who had a turn of speed in 'em too!
Not a bad time... well, if you don't count the breaks
A huge thanks to Bruce C Greg and Shaun who all helped repair my busted chain. Amazing how something that might take 5 mins in the workshop with the bike on the stand can take so long when you're tired, wet, and the bike is covered, and I do mean covered, in mud.
Thanks again.
Maybe time for me to disappear for a little while and pick up some more speed so I'm not such a handbreak for a larger, quicker group.
Frankly I probably needed the break....its been a while since i had been riding at that pace. No need to disappear, what you need is a home trainer so those days when your at home witht he family you can take 30 mins out and hop on the home trainer to help with the fitness....i'm looking at it myself at the moment as my schedule gets busier and busier...that way when you get out on the trails your not behind the eight ball.
Firstly, a big thank you to all the guys (and gal) that rode last night... It was great to meet up (in person) and I definitely recommend any ppl out there that may have been lurking on the forums and considering meeting up with the NoBMoB to (for the lack of a better phrase) Just do it! The atmosphere was relaxed (and a wee bit damp), conversation was jovial, yet informative and the 'beam-envy' was oh-so apparent! I must admit, I thought bike lights simply had an on/off switch and to get hold of a good set of lights, one needed to take out a 2nd mortgage! I may need to revisit my somewhat limp light setup...
Regarding the trainer, I can highly recommend it. There's nothing worse than when you're pressed for time and the thought of getting out to a trail just seems too much. The trainer definitely comes in handy, but try to setup it up near a screen (TV or PC) so that you can train to some recorded workouts as it can get a little monotonous. Make sure the area is well ventilated as you do tend to get a little warm, being stationary. It also prevents you from using the ole "Whoops, I can't train today cause of the weather", or "I have just had my bike cleaned/serviced etc". Don't stop riding the trails though, as in most things in life, nothing beats the real thing.
See ya next week...