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British Rider in Manly - desperate for some trails
Hi guys,
Firstly, a big hello to everybody on this forum!
Ok, here's the scope. Been in Manly about four hours (been drinking and my head hurts!), spent 24 hours flying over here, and led to believe that I'd be able to roll out of my front door and hit some trails. Since found out this is not the case. I don't drive and all I've got in my arsenal is a seven inch freeride bike. I'll ride most things jump or downhill related, and have been known to pedal occasionally. So if anybody knows of anything I can keep myself busy with whilst I'm here (six weeks in total) I'll be much more than appreciative.
I'm real sorry for posting this so late, but my trip was kinda un-scheduled, and I'm absolutely addicted to riding. My helmet took a real kicking on the way over on the plane, so I don't want this trip to be in vain. Plus more than anything I want to ride with some Aussie riders. I'll be heading to Thredbo and the Blue Mountains at some point, but if any of you could point out to me, or even hook me up with someone, I'll owe them a place to stay and some sweet trails in England sometime.
Cheers, guys and galls
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Dude.... go here (there's directions, everything):
Do a few laps, hang around, meet some folk. If you are into DH [ erm... sounds that way ] then you'll also want to get your ass over to Oxford Falls (where you will find people shuttling most weekend mornings) or Red Hill (which you love to climb... not!).
Sounds like you need to befriend a few DH types (cue Gazza). Damn shame you missed out on the Ourimbah trip on Sat - Gazza got a few shuttles from random guys.
Without a car, you're gonna have to ride to all the, erm, rides. Stay safe on the roads [ OK - and off ]
Manly Dam is closest to you but it sounds a bit tame for you.
If you want some unreal DH action close to home, try Red Hill (Beacon Hill). It's about 8 km from Manly. You'll find maps, photos and heaps of info on this website and you can get a detailed map from the bike shops in Manly.
Bruce C
Thanks very much, guys. Will do as advised.
if you put your phone number up (on your joining thing) then people can call you - ie Gazza who has suddenly become addicted to downhill...he is riding Friday night I believe...
How's your travel insurance?
Red Hill is serious (dangerous) stuff. Some quite big drop offs.
I'd offer to show you around but I'm a chicken.
Hello mate. Im an english bloke whos been here for years. Ill be going out for freeride fun on friday. Click on my name and youll get my number.
Thanks for the replies, everyone - much appreciated
Did Manly Dam this morning and I have to say that I was quite surprised by the singletrack. Now, what I forgot to say earlier was that I'm from London - so anything with a slight gradient and ground that isn't clay covered with chalk (this happens to be the slipperiest surface for riding on, ever - more than ice!) is frankly a revelation. Loads and loads of rocks, too, which is just something I don't get to ride unless me and the guys trek to Wales or Scotland. So riding something only 20 mins away from my apartment was great fun. Have to say though that it was bloody hot and I sweated my arse off. Luckily I swam in the dam when I was finished, or my brains would have boiled. But then again I wouldn't be English if I didn't winge about the weather.
Gaaza - I can't make any freeride fun tomorrow, which sucks, but I'm around all next week if you're about. Let me know if you're free and I'll give you a call. Thanks very much for the offer.