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riding Kentlyn

anyone riden the trails at Kentlyn?would anyone be interested in checking them out this saturday morning?
[Mod. moved to Sydney South]
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you talking about the freeride runs? or the XC?
Ive ridden the freeride runs a couple of times, great fun. Really good for beginners, some nice drops and a little bridgework in there.
Havent ridden XC in there yet though, everytime we planned it pissed down with rain.
Excuse the ignorance but what or where is Kentlyn?
I believe a website called Google has some info.....?
Kentlyn is out near Campbelltown. Great network of XC and FR/DH.
Have a look on Trailflix for info.
Thank you BT. I won't bother thanking Matt for pointing out the obvious. The best info always comes from the source, Matt.
For those wondering...
Kentlyn FR is really fun.
Parking is here.
There is a cul de sac about 50m up the road from that point where you can park. To get to the trailhead, you ride through the gates, about 40m up you will hit a t-junction, turn left to a small pinch climb, and about 30m up the hill on the right hand side some single-track goes into the bush. Follow that for about 10m and youll hit a clearing. This is the trailhead we use. 3-4 singletracks running off the main area. Easiest from left to right. The far left track is pretty simple, 1 rock garden and a small drop (3ftish). Far Right had some good stuff.
There are alot of criss-cross tracks in there and all push-shuttles. Some good stuff in there, some good drops, some ladderwork/shore. Some good jumps and just a fun place.
The reason we don't have any details listed for this area is that when I first found out about it was asked by locals not to discuss in detail or encourage visitors.
Can someone confirm it's on crown land (like Menai, Red Hill, etc)? Now that the cat is out of the bag, as it were (and not just here - there has been much discussion on Rotorburn) perhaps we should try and map the place properly and confirm it's legal status. Any takers?
yer I only mentioned because ive seen recent info on RTRBRN and Trailflix about it.
Part of the trails appear to be Boronia Rd Reserve, I cant find whether this Council or Crown land.
Type "Kentlyn" into Google maps and see what comes up.......
... think it's safe to say that unless someone approaches the council/authorities and gets working on some sort recognition of the trails down there, and formalisation of the area they will go the way of everywhere where else in the Sydney region - closed
Anyone spoken to the locals about formalising such a plan?