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The last (Manly Dam) frontier - The A line off the 19th hole

OK, after being able to clear everything else on the track there remains the nagging 19th hole A-Line. Having tried every other (3) line off the 19th hole last night I've almost convinced myself that the A-Line isn't as hard as it looks and can be taken just over walking pace as long as you get seat down and weight back.
Has anyone actually tackled this and got any tips?
Also what is probably the B line, to the left of the A line, caught me out last night, front wheel into dip before rock and OTB resulting in a stupid hand out hyperextended finger incident and very sore typing this morning! That one can certainly catch you out!
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That's odd. No, not you going OTB
but the line to the left.
'A' line is obviously straight ahead from the boardwalk (the part that's in the sun here):
FWIW - I've seen a pic of someone going down here (was in one of the MTB mags year or so ago). Looked like they pulled a wheelie off the top, keeping the bike horizontal while rolling the rear down the very steep section and drop. Far beyond my ability - I'll leave this to you lot to try... let me know when to send the ambos
As for the other lines, as you approach from the boards (the picture is reverse angle) then to the right there are two lines, the first one is steeper, but may actually be easier, then there's the one most people take which is the switchback further right of that.
What's this route to the left though (which would be right in the picture)? Are you just getting your angles confused? Perhaps it was 'cos you were upside down and in the air when thinking this
It's in the shady bit to the right in the picture, to the right of the telegraph pole, its a very steep but doable roll off, as long as you avoid the rock at the bottom, which I didn't...
About two weeks ago we were looking at both the far left B line, and the normal A line at the 19th hole. I also agree this looks doable. Especially for those that have the correct bike technique, control, and strength. I looked at it, but was far from being confident enough. I doubt I will be for some time.
Matt, I think Gazza is your man. He would try this. But he would likely need his gear.
Have seen a dude fly straight off the A line and made it look easy. A bit more mojo and I am sure it could be ridden. Greg has sized it up once or twice....
Agree the left line discussed is doable..although havent
Gazza would have no trouble with it I am sure....
I jumped this "A" line about a year ago and used the photo to get my N+1. Don't believe me, then look:
OK, so I had a little computer aided help.
stu, that pic has made my week. i'll give it a go but ill need an audience as im a closet showoff and also might need medical assistance if i fall off. havn't been there for a while and it looked impossible on the cross country bike but ill give it a shot on the big bike. any idea when we can do this?
Every launch is doable its just the landing you have to worry about.
I have had sleepless nights physicing myself up to doing the 19th hole.
I agree with Gary, if we all go there one day with cameras rolling it will happen.
Maybe position a few catchers either side of the landing zone for moral support
Let me know the date. I could then die a happy man, either way Lol
we gotta have the cameras rolling mate. if i come off at least i wanna make a bit of cash from australias funniest home vids to fix my bike or pay for medical bills!!!
Rumour has it there is one among us that has "modified" his helmet to safely house his video camera (safe for the camera me thinks, not the wearer). Maybe we need him to come along as well. You know who you are!
I have done the A-line, mind you i was on a downhill bike with 8inches of suspension. Just dont go too fast, and watch out for the little rock drops after it they could make you loose it. I'm yet to try it on my hardtail, maybe this weekend.
We did this a couple weeks back. Erm... or rather Gazza did it and we stood around and watched.
There is footage... where is it? (Wasn't my camera).
Me and my Cannodale mates do the B line to the left of it (looking down the hill) over the double drops. Great line and not as risky. Only done the A line once myself!
How about the gap jump behind the aquatic centre?
always does the A line now... and yes, normally has an audience!
Goatman you seem to be some mythical half-man/half-goat riding secret mythical trails.
Gaps behind the Aquatic Centre? What are you gapping, Wakehurst Parkway???
I bet he doesn't do the gap jump behind the aquatic centre. I know Jedi doesn't!!
Goatman we all know that the only reason you did the gap is because I took my Cannondale and in a dignified style befitting of such a lovely bike hit the jump first and lofted through the air like the steam off a fresh latte.
You were forced to follow. Crack Hardy!!!