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It's a start...

hawkeye's picture

By hawkeye - Posted on 02 May 2010

2 May 10

Not a great time, but it draws a line in the sand for future improvement. A couple of short stops and walks due to line choice errors and other riders in the way walking technical sections. Happy that I managed to ride all of the track wthout feeling like my brain had gone to jelly at any time, and I negotiated Heartbreak Hill without stopping and without needing to rest at the top to "keep my head on".

Lower back was a bit sore by the end - note to self: need to strengthen that at the gym.

Satisfied with the ride - will get better.

Scottboy's picture

get better Hawk I did last Friday At 30 degrees & 43 min I know you are a better rider than me

cambowambo's picture

For me, lower back pain is always a reminder to relax my upper body - working the arms and gripping too hard just wears me out and makes my back hurt Eye-wink

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