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Another Dirtworks done and dusted!

Re: This ride meeting:
Dirtworks Classic 2010
Race Category:
100km Male Masters Christine came second in the Girls single speed class....Well done Sis
V came, I think, third in the girls open class, Well done V
I came in 7hr:17mins (by my stopwatch)
Beating my previous personal best by around 1.5 hours, Its amazing what a 4kg lighter bike can do for ones time.
I also successfully crossed the canoe bridge, I can now retire from stupid 100km races where you pay good money to ride somewhere you could any day of the week for free
(Will update time once official results are posted)
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great work Pikey,
I'm calling it now, although I do seem to remember our conversations that went along the lines of never never never ever ever ever again on more than one occasion yesterday, aim for the sub 7 hours next year?
Yeah... you always say never again, and yet... you always go back