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pikey's blog

Another Dirtworks done and dusted!
Christine came second in the Girls single speed class....Well done Sis
V came, I think, third in the girls open class, Well done V
I came in 7hr:17mins (by my stopwatch)
Beating my previous personal best by around 1.5 hours, Its amazing what a 4kg lighter bike can do for ones time.
I also successfully crossed the canoe bridge, I can now retire from stupid 100km races where you pay good money to ride somewhere you could any day of the week for free
(Will update time once official results are posted)

A day to learn and live!
After we said good bye to the rides stage one guys, and after bagging them for being woozy girls, I lived to regret that comment, we headed off in search of some nice downhill fun which we did eventually find.
After reaching about 80% into the trail it then became the most difficult hike a bike I have ever done, I’m talking clambering over and sliding down small boulders.

Four lucky scummers.
On my way to site this morning I was traveling through the General Holmes Drive tunnel heading down to Sutherland.
As I was approaching the Cooks River Bridge I noticed a large group of road cyclist, about 40, in the left hand lane up ahead.
To my disbelief, it was like slow motion, one of the rear of the group shot to the right taking out three mates. I think a bike in front braked and he didn’t notice in time.

Cold, Dam Cold!
I have never been so cold on a ride before tonight.
It started raining, yes RAIN not girly drizzle, and kept up for most of the ride.
Thanks to the guys that shared their lights with me as I didn't think to read Paul's post that did say burn time of 2-3 hours, I could have brought out my 2.25kg beasty battery. Doh!