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Cold, Dam Cold!

I have never been so cold on a ride before tonight.
It started raining, yes RAIN not girly drizzle, and kept up for most of the ride.
Thanks to the guys that shared their lights with me as I didn't think to read Paul's post that did say burn time of 2-3 hours, I could have brought out my 2.25kg beasty battery. Doh!
Half way through the ride I lost feeling in both feet. I didn't get feeling back until halfway through my second schooner, is there nothing beer can't fix. Also do you know how hard it is to put a pair of socks on when your feet are damp and you have no feeling in your toes? and how hard it is putting dry undies on when....never mind.
Thanks to Gary for joining me for a beer as the other lads, three newbies and one near newbie had to bolt & Paul and Buck forgot their change of cloths, unforgivable!
Overall it was a good long hard wet cold ride, bring on the next one.
Thanks Paul
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because most of the time their not.
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