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RNP Maintanence Day

Rob's picture

By Rob - Posted on 07 May 2010

Saturday, 15 May, 2010 - 09:00

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

4 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
I'll be there, no matter what the weather.
Ride Database Entry: 
Royal National Park
Meeting Point: 

Rangers office carpark on Farnell Ave. This is the second turnoff you'll come to right at the top of the hill down to Audley.

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RNP Trail Maintenance Meeting Point

This is a trail maintenance day at Royal National Park May 15.

If you are interested in helping out please contact the rangers via email for more details and to confirm your attendance:

[email protected]

Update: more details from the ranger in charge:

From the feedback I’ve received it seems that the single track leading from Loftus oval down to Temptation Creek is still regarded as in need of work and I can agree with that. So with that in mind lets meet at 9am at the usual spot, that being the car park of the Parks office which is on the left off Farnell Avenue a couple of hundred metres past the toll booths on the way in from the Highway. Map Attached.

Those who know the area and who want to meet us out on the trail can meet us at the turnoff to the single track from the fire trail on the Loftus Oval side a little after nine.

I am still planning on doing a pre walk, most likely on Friday afternoon so if anyone is interested in coming out then please let me know. In particular there is one very degraded section with multiple lines which could be consolidated a little. I think most of us will be familiar with it. Please have a think about that section of trail, in particular the things you like about that section and wish to preserve but also the bits you dislike and would like to remedy. I believe that there was some drainage work carried out along there recently so it we can see how that is going and make some changes as well if necessary.

Otherwise, as always bring a hat, sunscreen and water. I think we should be able to scrounge some gloves but if you have your own that would probably be a better option. Tools will be provided but you are welcome to bring your own if you have a favourite. We’ll bring some morning tea as well.

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chica's picture

I'll be putting up maintenance day signs (DIY) at the main entrances tomorrow morning (OK'd by David, Area Ranger). This should assist with raising awareness and hopefully increase the number of volunteers turning up to lend a hand.

just a tip, always good to email the ranger to let them know you will be coming along so that they can pack enough tools for the day.

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