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can i remove bash ring and only use 2 chainrings?

jpack's picture

By jpack - Posted on 21 May 2010

Hi All,
I have removed my heavy bash ring from my crankset, however, now my chain-ring bolts are too long and dont secure my big ring (which is actually a middle ring)

can i get shorter chain ring bolts or should i use a washer/spacer?


Rob's picture

Hey - what kind of crankset is this and what rings are now left? 2 or 3 of them?

As a wild guess I'd say you can either put in washers or get some shorter bolts . The latter looking nicer, esp. if you get some nice bling coloured ones Eye-wink

jpack's picture

it's race face evolve DH cranket. I'm now left with 2 chainrings (granny and middle) - no outer ring.

muvro's picture

Yeah, shorter bolts if they're available would look neat and be by far the easiest option.

Or if you're handy with the tools and your bigdog is stuffed/not needed. You could cut the bolt-up tabs off it and make some spacers. Cut them to the same shape as the indentation of the cranks, then round off the outer two corners to make them look smooth and part of the crank. With a bench vise and a hacksaw/file it would take less than an hour and would finish off the cranks nicely.

jpack's picture

went to LBS and found 4 gold alloy spacers for $1 each. works perfectly and looks cool too

Pratters's picture

I recently dropped the large ring of my Genius 50 to go from a 3 x 9 set up to a 2 x 9 set up. The bike shop that did this (BA) - excellent service guys suggested either a bash ring (which would cost $$$) or spacing the bolts out with washers. I decided on the washers option but within a week or two I found my middle ring was getting damaged too easily. My brother suggested a cheap option would be to grind off the teeth on my big ring and install that as the bash ring - it's probably the best idea he has ever had. It's light weight, fits perfect and does the job without collecting grease or other crap. I doubt this would be suitable for a DH bike but for XC its a great option (assuming you have a spare/worn large ring you don't want).


jpack's picture

Good thought Andew (pratters). i don't have a big ring though - my bike only came with 2 chain rings and a bash ring.
I did go for a ride this weekend and did bang my chainring on a rock - no damage, but i can imagine a few months of that might accumulate to some damage.

Question: Does anyone have an old big ring they want to give me??

Pratters's picture

... which you could pillage for parts.

In answer to your question - I'd like to know too. Surely bike shops must throw out hundreds of worn out big rings each year? BA give you all your parts back so I am guessing they don't have any.


Scottboy's picture

you are refering too, the chainrings might be spot welded together like the one on my hybrid , I just went too it with a 4in grinder as I only use middle ring training & riding around my area it is perfect . So there is no chance you will get the big ring off them .

jpack's picture

problem with a $30 Dunlop/K-mart bike is that the bike and all of its components are made of CAST IRON from which they constructed railway bridges in the late 1800s (i.e. they are soooooooo heavy that i might as well use my race face alloy bash ring).

but good idea about asking the LBS if they have any old throw away chain rings.

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