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Terry Hills easy hit out

Stuart M's picture

By Stuart M - Posted on 26 March 2007

Sunday, 1 April, 2007 - 06:45

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

2 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
Ride Database Entry: 
Terrey Hills / Duffys Forest
Meeting Point: 

Community centre on Yulong Rd at 6.30 for a 6.45 start

Northern Beaches Christian School, Euchunga Rd Duffys Forest


This won't be training pace ride, Will be my first ride back since my OTB last week so don't know how long I'll last but am planning on doing Perimeter and then Long Trails out and back (about 26km) at about an 1hr 40min ride time with minimum stops.

If this sounds like you then fell free to join Bernd, Dave and I.

Who's in?
No confirmations as yet.
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Neil's picture

Might have one more with me as well.
(0414)524 792

Stuart M's picture

Meeting place is now Northern Beaches Christian School, Euchunga Rd Duffy's Forest.

This is further along Booralie Rd, turn right just after the 40km/h school zone sign, park at the end of the street near the turning circle.


Bernd's picture

Thanks Stuart, I will be there,1h 40min.!!! have had a good break, may not as fast/slow!!

Nic's picture

Hi Stuart and co

I was hoping to come along this morning, but umm didn't wake up quite early enought!!! Pretty lame excuse...

How's the finger - saw the pics of you cutting it off - what happened???


Stuart M's picture

but the legs and the lungs really felt two weeks off the bike, the first of which was pretty well spent on the lounge.

As for what happened, have a laugh here Stupidity Wins Again

All good, will probably get out again Tuesday night all things going to plan.

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