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Mount Hay (Butterfix) ride

Hi guys,
Looking for some good rides around Sydney, I've google pretty much a lot and find a nice ride on outdated website called
The ride is called on that website 'Buttefix', but I would call it more Mount Hay.
I've trace the trail on Google Earth, check it here on Google Map:
The trail is finishing at the end of the firetrail, but I saw on Google Earth that something is continuing. Looks like a single track to me. Also there is another one looking nice, splitting at the middle, called Lockley Track.
As anybody tried any of these?
Will have to go and check one day…
[Mod. moved to Blue Mountains]
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I have not rode Mt Hay yet.
The Fat Hippy has a review on his web site.
In summary, fat hippy says:
It would be a fantastic ride if it wasn't so corrugated.
It is not a firetrail but rather a dirt road open to motor traffic.
Winds can be ferocious particularly in August - September.
The views are amazing.
If you do go for a ride, I would like to hear an update.
You could also update the rides database here.
I think you'll find both those trails walker only
Lockleys definitely is and I'm pretty sure the one off the end is as well
Lockleys is a heavily used walking trail - great walk by the way
Goes all the way down into the valley
and you can keep going all the way to Mt Vic
The one off the end is popular with abseilers
They've got bigger nuts than me
Some of the exposed walking in this area scares the shit out of me
Mt Hay road itself is rutted fire road
Good views but pretty average riding
I'd take the car in and do the walks rather than bother with the bike
But can be quite a nice ride I guess if you've never been and not into walking
Mt Hay was the first riding I ever did so I have a real soft spot for it. The Fat Hippy review is quite inaccurate really.. he just had a rutted and windy day.
The ride is a long fire trail, nothing particularly amazing but nothing too boring either. Some nice gut busting hills, fast descents etc. Scenery however is terrific, and unlike pretty much all the other fire trail rides where you are surrounded by bush this one is very open and has amazing and varied views. Definately worth at least one ride, best early in the morning in winter.
The trails leading off are walking tracks. The one at the very end is sign posted specifically as no bikes and lists the large fine. As a few adventure groups and walkers go out there the chances of being reported are probably reasonable.
All the other side tracks you can see on goodle earth are not much to ride with the exception of Lockley's Pylon. However Lockley's Pylon is the busiest walk out there and it is illegal to ride it. It is however a very good walk.. especially when you go past the final stretch where you could concievably ride.
the area has some good walking, nice climbing, great canyon but soso for riding...
Thanks guys for your comment.
I'm trying find more rides that are single tracks rides… not a big fan of fire trails. So the 10km of fire trails on that ride is more the way to go to the playful part at the end of it.
Does it happen often that walkers reports bikers? or park ranger are waiting for you at the corner of a bush?
Very annoying that it isn't allowed to MTB on most of the walking tracks. What's is dangerous thing about it… I can see the danger if it's DH track, but we are not really speeding when XC!?
Ps. Andy, nice pic
If you are looking for single track mt hay isn't really an option.Plenty of other stuff out and about. Best to hook up with the locals through the calendar
Rode this with Moggio, liked it very much for a fitness ride, but definitely NOT riding the single tracks!