You are hereCalendar / NSW NPWS mountain biking public forum (Sydney North)
NSW NPWS mountain biking public forum (Sydney North)

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
Turramurra Bowling Club, 181 Bobbin Head Road, Turramurra
As some may know, the National Parks and Wildlife Service has released a discussion paper on mountain biking opportunities in the state's national parks and reserves. They have invited comment on the proposals in the paper and help shape our Cycling Policy and Mountain Biking Strategy. This paper can be downloaded here:
Although no official communication has been made, we have it on good authority that this date/time/place is set for the Sydney North public forum on this topic.
Please RSVP to 13PARK (137275) or [email protected]
If you cannot make this meeting, please take a minute to visit the URL above and comment on at least one of the aspects of the paper. Just a simple indication you are behind sustainable single track trails for mountain biking in National Parks is all that is required.
Numbers mean everything in this matter and there are sure to be plenty of opponents of MTB present on the night!
If you can make this meeting, see you there! Please spread the word

Were you there and have a story to tell?
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I'll still be work when it starts. Do you think I could turn up late?
I am afraid.
Dont finish work till 6pm.
Its better that people turn up late, rather than not at all, numbers
We really need to get more confirmations people, we have to show them that we really need this, please turn up and show your support in numbers, bring a mtb friend.
Indicate "your in" above
Call 137275 to RSVP your attendees, takes 2mins max
I will register shortly but am likely to be late.
Thinks to self: depart work 4:40, ride 30km home, arrive 6:15pm, get changed, eat coupla bits of fruit and hop in car - hrrrnnngggh... I'm guessing I'll arrive 7-7:15pm.
Better late than never.
See you there,
(I'll also send out an email to all members to reply to the online survey)
Are you meant to get a confirmation of attendance email?
I sent the email but jut hadn't heard back.
They close at 1630hrs so don't expect one now.
I RSVPed by phone a few weeks back and the guy said he'll pass on my name (whatever that means) so I assume they've booked me a seat at the grown ups table!
no response yet so I don't think you will get one.
I rego'd by email weeks ago and have not heard back.
When i called, i said "can i please rsvp for the northern sydney mountain bike forum", she said "yes", took all my details, and confirmed me.
didnt take very long.
We need more, indicate your in above^
And RSVP to "13PARK"
Are you saying I need to call as well
but im sure they are not going to bar anyone from entry, rsvp or not.
Will there be enough seats/tea and coffee for everyone, who knows
Saw what looked like an official NPWS notice taped to a pole at the Arterial Rd end of the Twin Creeks track today - covered in plastic, with the little tear-off strips at the bottom - advertising the forum last Thursday. Haven't seen them anywhere else (although the only other area I've been in recently is LCNP and there was nothing that I noticed at the De Burgh's bridge entry). Seems like an odd place for it, given that there's only 1.6km of legit trail at that end of Twin Creeks??
Maybe just a concerned local?