Next year........

Some things I've learned this weekend...
Mobs of kangaroos get spooked very easily and are very, very bad at emergency stops.
Just because it's easier than the Doctor/Dirtworks/Fling, that in no way makes it easy.
Just because it's flat, it doesn't mean it's easy..... it just means you have to pedal continuously.
35km off road in 5 months is not nearly enough preparation for a 100km race.
No amount of high intensity 60 minute commutes will save you when it's decision time at 75km.
It's best not to have flu in the 10 days before the race.
If possible, avoid food poisining in the 5 days before the race.
Don't do a straight 36 hour work shift on the Thursday/Friday before the race.
Leaving your Endura drink at home in the fridge is always going to end badly.
All in all, I'm really, really pleased to have finished this one ( even if I was the last finisher....)
With the litany of disasters in the lead up to the race, I was feeling quite chuffed at just getting to the start line.
For a couple of seconds I contemplated just doing 25 or 50km but then came back to my senses and remembered that if you don't start out commited to doing the 100, you'll never get close to doing it.
The trails were beautiful and the first 50 was an exercise in taking it easy while watching the HRM. I got to halfway in 2.58 and felt pretty strong. I foolishly started to imagine a sub 6.30 finish. At 60k's my poor preparation walked up to me, slapped me on the face and then laughed mockingly at me for the next 40 km. I got to the stage where I could only ride for a couple of km at a time before I had to stop and let my eyes re-focus. They usually only behave that way under the influence of large amounts of whisky ( or towards the pointy end of a 36 hour shift...). Even flat fire roads become 'interesting' when you can't focus... (God only knows how you 24 hour solo guys do it.... absolutely superhuman).
Anyway... I got to the end feeling pretty relieved and glad that I'd decided to keep going at the 75km cutoff.
It was a great event and I'd thoroughly recommend it to riders of all abilities..... I'm already looking forward to next year ( hope I don't forget those lessons though.....)
mate, well done in persevering and finishing. I doubt I'd have had the fortitude to keep going.