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Blue Mountains: Andersons & Oaks.

Sunday, 27 May, 2007 - 08:15 The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
5 hours
Come Rain or Shine:
If it's raining, I won't be there. Meeting Point:
Glenbrook Train Station, 08:15am
As previously posted a big day out of fun training for Coffs Harbour...
Katoomba to Narrowneck (36Km) - This option canned
Andersons from Wentworth Falls (40km to Woodford)
Oaks from Woodford (30km to Glenbrook)
Should have a good level of fitness and ability to keep up all day.
Pace should be medium to allow all day riding.
Be prepared to buy lunch somewhere and bring plenty food water and warm clothing.
Usual bike kit applies.
Hope to see you there
Contact 0404293735
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Hiya Shane,
What time is the train @ Glenbrook ? Answer, 8:23am to be @ Katoomba by 9:22am
I'll catch the train up from there.
I'm up for this, but only Andos+Oaks. Taking on Narrowneck on the same day is a little too much...
... seeing as your route is 116Km!
... and as I'm supposed to be still taking it easy
... and haven't ridden much this month.
... and we can tack on Pisgah ridge if still wanting more a the Oaks gate.
Can we do that and change the meeting time to Glenbrook @ 8:10 maybe? For 8:23 train? Did check the train times?
How demanding, I know!
As i havnt ridden up the mountains before i have to be in on this one. Sore throat permitting! See you there.
What are we going to do with you Rob
One of the best rides around, cant miss this. Quick warning: everyone will need to be ready to ride by 8.20 at the absolute latest or you will miss the train. think its about 1 hour to the next train.
will be there. I hope you leave some room on the train for me and my bike, as I'll get on at Woodford. See ya then
Havn't ridden Andersons for a long time ,looking forward to it
Im definately keen but the train arrives at Glenbrook@ 8.23 - where do we get off the train??
Wentworth Falls
see you all at the train station.
Perfect day - doesn't get much better than this!
Thanks all, for an awesome day. Weather was ideal, trails were in good shape overall. The pace set out front was insane but dragged us slowies along - the sniggle is so much better pushing hard with your legs begging for mercy after 55Ks or whatever had passed. Erm... so long as there's nothing coming the other way - speedy recovery for your hand John!
Highlights for me where taking on Andersons for the first time (it's a corker), convoying full tilt down from the helipad with John/Steve/Murray then laughing like a maniac while following Gary down the technical stuff, picking the worst possible lines but loving it all the same.
Thanks guys for making todays ride fantastic...and special mention to Gazza for showing us how not to get your photo taken...can't wait to see that one!
We'll be doing that one for Coffs you know...
Thanks John for giving us the local knowlege on a fantastic stretch of riding..especially the Andersons which I hadn't visited for 7 years...(I was a bit fuzzy on the size of the climbs at the end there...just happy to get up! Best of luck with your x-ray mate!
Enjoyed a return to the mountains immensely today...hoping to do it again soon
What an excellent day - great downhill blast, took everything to catch the dualies after the rough stuff up top;)
look forward to the next epic!
I'm already in plaster, no waiting at katoomba hospital, Tien your diagnosis was spot on, the bone just behind the ring finger knuckle is broken. The swelling is also worse now and I have to see a hand specialist at Nepean hospital on Wed.
Other than that the day was great, about 60km of good fast riding in perfect weather with good company.
sniff, sniff, when can I ride again? ah huh Tien will it heal faster if they operate or not, If so I'll try and push for the operation on wed.
Cop ya John.
Pics from the day are now here.
Shot of the day:
Although these couple of Gazza run a close second
Well I saw the hand specialist today and have narrowly escaped from needing an operation to pin the bone, he actually said that I fixed it myself when I lifted it up and pulled on it so the knuckle went back close to where it should be, thanks to everyone that voted to give the finger a good pull, so now I just have a splint instead of the plaster I started with.
Rob, the pics from the weekend are awesome, and Steve frightened the daylights out of me at the pace he hit that downhill in the pic above.
I'll be back