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Carbs help

GiantNut's picture

By GiantNut - Posted on 06 January 2011

6 Jan 11

Put some carbs back into my diet and decided to have another go - cramped up at the end so will have another try

Black Flash's picture

And damn the cramps!!! Nice work still.

Brian's picture

Why have you stopped eating carbs?

GiantNut's picture

Pre Xmas blowout had to be turned around fast - its hard to ride on 600 cals per day. But I learn't unless you fuel right you have zero energy for riding - you feel ok until you push up a hill and then there is nothing there

Brian's picture

600 cals per day. Watch you don't lose muscle. How much weight have you dropped?

ps's picture

well done

Matt P's picture

600 calories is not a healthy diet!! Add another 1000 and make sure they're clean!

As mentioned, the body will start to eat itself when starved and that is EXACTLY what you're doing.

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