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Killingworth 8 hour anyone?

It's next week about 80 mins north of here and supposed to be a great track, you can check it out at:
And details of the track are here:
We can enter in solo, pairs, threes or fours so if you're keen post up! The race starts at 8 so would be an early start but not quite as gruelling as the dirtworks...
(Who now has the beast back from those nice guys at gripsport and is raring to give it a good thrashing ;-}(think Basil Fawlty with a tree branch and a mini...))
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I'll be there riding in an old man 3s team.
I've ridden 3 8hrs at Killi and they have yet to use the same track twice. First year was my fav but the others still rocked. Lot's of fast flowy stuff.
I'll have the insane shirt on with Flynny written on the back, say g'day as you pass.
I'll also be there, but Flynny how do we recognise you if you've fallen on your back?
Killi is certainly equal to anything Canberra has to offer and probably more varied.
I'll certainly say hello, now to find some team mates, Rob, Gazza, Steve, Elm, AR, Caro, anyone... how can you pass up a write-up like that!
(Who will try soloing at worst case and may need to hire some friends ;-})
On my back? Alchemist, I'm like a cat. I always land on my feet, only to be smacked with a golf club....
Pass... Gonna be my first week back on the bike, so no sure how an enduro will treat the wrists. I'm keen to join ya in future events!
Still not on the net yet. This week hopefully! Think im if its not too late. Give me a bell matt on my mobile and we'll talk about it. Gazza.
Evan & I are planning to be there on Sunday. Sounds like its going to be a good day.
We could do it as a four if GAZZA's in too? are you guys eneterd already?
Sorry for the delay, but in case you didn't guess, sorry, can't make this. Still - seems you have a team anyhow so all good
i will be there also. Most probably in a team of 2, worst case will give solo a go just to see if i can do it.
Be sure to say hello when you pass me. I doubt i will be moving very quickly if i do it solo.
Unfortunately I am just arriving back from Germany that day (excuses, excuses...-"§&%&%$-!

Have the best time (literally)
In my limited experience two person teams are the way to go, at about 12km per lap that would mean your swapping over every 45min or so. Would be cool to organise it so we were set up next to each other though, keep each other company while hanging around waiting for the next go.
good idea Bruce, i have a 3m x 3m gazebo thingy to shelter from the sun/rain, table/chairs etc
Our plan is to get there by 7am. Ie leave home at 5/5.15am.
Two is hard if you're on the hammer, possibly harder than solo. There's not much time between laps to warm down, refuel, then warm up again. I think 3 is the sweet spot for 8hr races; plenty of riding and plenty of time for eating, drinking, mingling, drinking... 4 you probably wont get enough riding in (especially at Killi where you'll be loving it so much)
definately wont be "on the hammer" in my team, maybe 1 or 2 quick laps to see what can be done but the rest will be at a moderate pace to ensure a finish.
Rob - never been to killi, any insider knowledge into track type/fun level/difficulty, single vs fire trail ratio??
....for me, will be happy just to get out for a ride & have fun. Could do two laps at a time, that would give plenty of riding time & plenty of time for eating, drinking, mingling, drinking...
Think smooth flowing single track like Canberra, not too steep climbs like Penrose and a couple of technical sections like Yellowmundee and that's Killi. (there's a bit of Glenrock in this one) (Last year's 8r in the mud) (State XC Last year - probably the best for showing the track)
For those not going, put it on your list of places to ride. Grab a local if you can there is so much track there you could easily miss the really good bits
I pulled the pin at the last moment. IIRC, I got up early on the day and noticed the crap weather and decided to bail.
I still made the trip up to Killi though. And I ended up walking away with a dual suspension frame ...
Hi All,
The dreaded flu has caught up with me, I will not be attending the race. Just spoke to Bruce and he still hasn't got over his flu either and will not be attending also.
I wish those that are going all the best and hope you have a great day.
Are now in, being young Grump (yes it is I) and GAZZA Grump (for it is he!) looking forward to the flowing Killi trails relieving our GrumpyPomness...
Hope to scowl and grunt in your general direction on Sunday, now where were those knitted team T-shirts?
Excellent... don't forget to take a few pics.
i will be there, our 3rd team member has not confirmed so still not sure if it will be solo, pairs or threes yet.
The track sounds excellent by all reports so am really looking forward to a good day out.
The next 8hr is July 8th at yellowmundee (past richmond) so that should be a good event also.
Top track, great Day, thanks to every one involved in running it.
I only got one lap with decent satelite coverage
The track was a ball, no real techi bits but lots of fast twisty stuff.
My team lost a lot of time early with broken chains and flat tyres but we still had a lot of fun
How you all go?