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ADZA's picture

By ADZA - Posted on 24 January 2011

24 Jan 11

PB this morning, not bad considering i am 125kgs

Black Flash's picture

Where do you think you might be able to improve on? I found that i was slow on the "simple" fire trails to begin with. So a handful of good hard slogs on the perimeter/long trail really helped to increase the fitness and speed for 3 main sections - 1. After Heartbreak hill to the 19th hole. 2. From the lab up to the carpark. 3. The road ride to tree root alley near the Golf Course entrance. Now you've got your ubercool spec 29er - i reckon you'll be under the 45min mark in a months time!

hawkeye's picture


I'm just starting on a little 3 month training program in preparation for the Mont and wouldn't mind a training partner. If you want to bump up your fitness with someone who's not that far ahead of you (PB 43 minutes), now is the time to sign on. Smiling

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