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Beware Firmware Update 3.3

I've just uploaded firmware update 3.3 to my Garmin 705.
It's just wiped all my screen preferences, and no longer reads the previously saved history files.
Not impressed.
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Didn't you get the warning telling you this before downloading the update?
I picked up that there would be a change to the XML schema but missed the implication that stored rides would no longer be capable of being read. Didn't see anything about screen preferences being blown away.
The loss of capacity to read history I can accept as being not worth their while to cater for, but junking your screen preferences strikes me as lazy programming.
Anyway, I'm just having a moan as I was trying to edit a ride I did today to remove the sectors between home and trailhead before uploading to Garmin Connect, and ended up having to hack the XML by hand. A PITA, but all done now.
Having got that whinge off my chest, I feel so much better.
Brilliantly handy as the Garmin devices are I don't trust 'em as far as... well... not very far.
Always download activities ASAP (normally 5 minutes after walking in the door) and never update with any data in there.
Loosing prefs. sounds annoying, and it is. But not a fatal loss. Happened on the last update of the 500 (there is another update due too). It's a PITA having to enter bike details again, let alone trying to remember all the fields and which place you had them in over 3 pages
Come on Garmin... get it together with your firmware, eh?
just curious, why upgrade the firmware? Were you having issues? The reason I ask is I have never done this unless its happened without me knowing.
The firmware offered a few improvements to accuracy of elevation change recording, "home" position altitude setting, and remembering your backlighting light level selection, and a few other bits and pieces. Nothing major, just a few conveniences added, so I thought "why not?"
On the Edge 500 the firmware upgrade is essential to keep the clock working as there is no way to set the timezone manually. Ie. the system 'knows' which timezones are relevant where, but when countries move their daylight savings for example, a new TZ file needs to be incorporated into the firmware.
The last 500 update also added a 'Max Speed' field and other small tweaks.
I guess it's a case if, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". Ie. Only upgrade your firmware if you need the new feature or fix it includes. If you are completely happy with how your device is running, don't bother.
I updated my car GPS and it stopped working - The Garmin guy told me NEVER update unless you have a problem. I guess I am used to updating PC's etc but in Garmins case if its not broken don't touch it seems to be the motto
I updated my 500 and works fine, Havn't really noticed any difference. Only did it for more accurate elevations.
on Sat morning my Garmin500 Edge must have thought I was SCUBA diving giving me a -40mtr elevation only 2 days after recalibrating it to a correct amount!!!
I updated mine... found it annoying, resetting, however interesting fact, i rode up to the sign at Mt Ainslie thats says 845m elevation and the 705 was showing 745m, exactly 100m out
Surprised by that RobbieO, I was expecting that since the 500 records temperature that it would have figured that into the air density calculation and adjusted for it.
Mine (705) consistently reads higher elevations later in the day as the air temperature increases (and the density falls).
500 Edge uses Barometric reading so each day-area-valley could be different!!! with the way the weather is going lately maybe stable temperate areas may only give an accurate reading!!!!