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Sram XX chainring bolts?

Hi, just wondering if any of you shop Dudes have a set of Sram XX chain ring bolts (IN STOCK!)
i'd like to build my bike back up but am too impatient to wait for an order to arrive!
For everyone elses info, XX rings bolt directly into a thread on the crank spider and dont come in two peices(front and back) like normal chain ring bolts.
[Mod. moved to chat as regards local help rather than the gear itself]
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And I presume the thread is not the same as one half of a standard bolt?
The front half of the standard bolt fits the small ring. I need the four outer bolts for the outside of the big ring
I'm assuming it's a standard metric thread so you should be able to pick up some bolts from a specialist fastener store (the one that begins with B in Brookvale, my memory fails me). They wouldn't have Aluminium ones but you could put some steel or stainless ones it until the real deal arrives
Also Coventry Fasteners in Artamon. Worth a look till I get the real deal ordered. Might get a load of Ti bolts while I'm at it?????
My guess is you'll struggle to find a match which suits thread diameter, pitch, and length. You'll also need to make sure head diameter is ok too as they're partially countersunk.
I tried coventry fasteners without any luck for my Ti bolts. Ended up getting them from Toronto cycles in about a week.
You could try Mr Stainless in Drummoyne they have gotten me out of a pinch a couple of times and you wont have to buy a whole box of whatever it is you need.