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Newbie from Cremorne point

Hey all, recently moved up from Canberra and now residing at Cremorne point. My name is paul and I'm looking for ppl to bike with or w/e. Gonna try manly dam mtb trail tmrw as I havent been on the bike in a while. Gotta get back into it. Anyway just thought I'd say hey
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Hey mate, i'm pretty new to the scene here too and keen to met some riding buddies, so any time you want to head out for a spin let me know. P.S. the guys on nobmob are all super helpful so don't be shy to post forum topics or ride meets, everyone here has been fantastic to me
Thanks mate
whereabouts are you? I'm planning on heading out to Manly Dam tomorrow
i live in cromer, but unfortunately i have to work tomorrow so no chance me getting for a lap of the dam, how do you feel about thursday?
Yeah no worries... I'm here on vacation (I'm from overseas just visiting my gf) so I' mostly free everyday. I was thinking of heading out daily as the gf has work anyway so I'll probably be down on thursday as well ;D
Hey guys I may be up for a Manly Dam ride on Thursday arvo if that is ok with you. I am a former roadie who has recently got into MTB. Skills are a bit low but still loving it. Live just outside Manly Dam. I work at an indoor cycle studio as well in Crows Nest if you have nothing to do in the mornings or evenings.
heyas, sounds good. More and more people coming on thursday!
Dont worry about the skills, I just got back into biking around last september and still getting used to it as well. That and my bike is too big for me. Might try and visit you at the studio one day seeing as I dont really get up to anything the whole day
sounds good. Funny that your bike is a bit big for as mine are always a bit small for me as I am real tall. Ck out our website at for a schedule of classes and we are above KOM bike shop in crows nest. Fun place to just hang out and be around other cyclists.
Well if you end up wanting a bigger frame I'm after a smaller one
we might be able to work something out! haha.
Yeah, might swing by your place in a day or two maybe. Just realize its very very close to me. I'm just off the shell servo at military road by maccas!
LoveB, I'll probably hit the dam late morning for a lap if you haven't been there before and want to see the way round.
Sounds good... I dont memorize my mobile number though D: if you see a fat asian man on a black diamondback, that would be me. LOL I'll have a blue spyder helmet too. I'll head out in a bit after I take the mrs to work.
Just got back from manly. It was fun. Some parts I had to walk lol. The only thing that annoyed me is that my gopro ran out of memory space at the last downhill part. fail. lol
Quiet at the dam today. Didn't get to the parkway entrance til 1230 and saw no other riders on the track. A bit different to saturday when there were riders everywhere.
i only saw two other bikers. It's quite nice being alone sometimes lol.
I think I got there about 12:30-1pm. I only saw 1 female at the hydrolics lab and a man who passed me just before the downhill area.
If you saw an asian man with a black bike or a coming out of a red saab that woulda been me lol
Heyas quick question, where is the tap at the hydrolics lab? my two bottles lasted me just enough. But I didnt bother doing another lap since I couldn't find the water tap. Thanks!!!
It's almost opposite Arana St (the climb after leaving the car park up to the school).
On the wall of the lab there, right of some short entrance steps.
Thanks, Must have just slipped past it. Parked at the hydro lab across arana. but was too busy finding out where to go. lol will look for it later. Thanks!!
There are two taps and they are both on the other side of the wall.
Hi all,
You would all be most welcome to have a friendly club race with WSMTB. The next round is on Sunday 22 May at Yellomundee Regional Park - see Travel to Yellomundee takes me 55 minutes from Lindfield - via M2, M7, Richmond Rd, Blacktown Rd, The Driftway, then Springwood Rd.
Club racing allows you to pick the Division suited to your expertise/fitness/age. Typical race times are in the 50 to 90 minute range.
Ray Rice
[email protected]
Found 1 tap I think. by the small staircase to the doors. However it seems they've since attatched something to it. lol I get by with 2 water bottles thuogh. I'll probably just wait out till the thursday ride if it pushes through. more people today than yesterday. Saw someone with a lefty and another said gday to me as he passed me. Man 'm still so slow. lol Track is still wet and muddy though. Halfway throug I could hear the mud grinding against my chain. Time to clean the bike!
I pulled my bike out of the car to move it in... the front tyre is flat. How annoying. It's got the puncture proof thing wrapped around it and its just the base of the valve that has a tear. lol might try and patch it up.
Do not try too repair around the valve it will not work throw it away & put a new tube in
Yep, new tube time. You don't want a sudden loss of pressure on the front. That ends ugly.
New tube it is. lucky still have en extra bnew one here. Gonna get another as another spare then.
hey LoveB cant make ride this arvo as I have a sick child at home
Hi if you live in Cremorne Point, we have a legal pump track facility not far at Sailors Bay Rd Northbridge which will help you hone your skills
we are having a maintenance day & bbq with local riders there tomorrow Sat 28th, if you want to meet some locals
Hi, yes I'm just at Cremorne point. Had a look and its not far at all. And pretty good considering I was planning on riding today...
Who do I look for though? I dont want to look like a total random just showing up lol
actually, found your number and realized you were starting at 8:30. I'll head out in a few mins and if theres anyone there I'll help out. Otherwise might just bike around. Will bring the fixie cause the MTB is taken apart for cleaning lol
I havn't been out to manly before (normally go to RNP in the shire) keen to get back into riding.
Dont know many other MTBers, if its sweet let me know if anyone's going for a saturday arvo ride