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Broke my baby....

...and it wasn't even a big hit! Just one of the water bars ay the dam.
Turns out the Rocky isn't as strong as I thought it was...
I'm going to self medicate with Coopers.
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Did you stay upright? Well done if you did, as I'll bet it felt a bit sketchy ......
That's an awesome break!
One to keep and hang on the garage wall as a trophy
(ps Hope you weren't injured in any way too, you didn't mention in your post so I assume so...)
It's going straight to the pool room...well, garage wall.
Zero injuries, only thing damaged was the wallet.
That's metal fatigue for you. It's why they have trouble convincing bean counters to replace perfectly good looking bits of aircraft at regular intervals
Sorry to see the broken bike. No Injuries is a plus. Next is upgrade of frame or bike nice!!!!.Depending on your budget, I'm voting for a Yeti.
Your saddle bag was clearly too big and the weight on the saddle caused the failure
The joy of new bike shopping will easily rehabilitate any injury or financial concern.
Remember - set a price limit, then add 50% when in the bike shop!
Also best not to shop online while self medicating with coopers
I self medicated and clicked last friday night - cost me a fortune -
Man - i that happened to my new baby, id be self medicating for a while... Only up side is... "lets go shopping!!!"
And well done for staying upright.
Thats the only good thing about being injured, can take my time to look at new bikes etc.
Good luck with the shopping, maybe a Yeti would go down nicely. I know of a good reseller in the US who will ship overseas.
hathill nailed it, I think. It's been creaking like an {insert european aircraft manufacturing consortium here} for a while...
I've been trying to trace the occasional creak which I now put down to a crack I've since found on the bottom of the shock mount. I had a good look over that part of the frame just the other day, but more at the tube than the mount. The last couple of rides the back end has been feeling kind of soft. I even eyeballed the sag of the rear shock at the parkway entrance just 20mins or so before it broke. All looked OK so thought I'd give it another look when I got home. I've been bombing down the runs around the dam as faster than ever (for me...) of late, and I think the hits combined with my 100kg exceeded the design load limits...As they say in parts of Canadia, "C'est la vie".
So anyway I googled "cracked etsx" [CAUTION: you may or may not want to do this with your ride...] et voila! Multiple pics and stories of the same issue.
I'd happily own another ETSX. It's a fantastic bike and I just love it. Goes up, goes down, goes over, goes on the flat. But if I get another frame I'll keep it for the "softer" tracks like Ourimbah and Awaba. I don't think they like Sydney sandstone much.
Funny thing is I really don't want to buy another bike right now. I was happy with the Rocky!
It's a really tough choice...a new Rocky, Craftworks, Yeti, Pivot...Huffy...
Apparently we'll be getting 2 new bathrooms before it happens....we'll see.
Surely Sydney is a low marker for anticipated requirement to deal with ruggedness? I would not anticipate any bike (worth the $ you send) not being able to cope with our local terrain (in terms of the frame not failing – not the numpties like myself driving them). These are (thank god) not road bikes!!!
And if 2 bathrooms are competing for funding vs a bike – sounds like you have a great budget for a bike buying.
Ummm, typical bathroom refurb $12 - $16 K......
What bike kit could I buy with $32k????
OK all productivity for this afternoon has now been lost whilst I dream!
That if she wants a new bathroom, you want a new bike. It seems only fair imo!
CharlieB, the run down hill parallel to Southern Cross way is rougher than anything I've ridden at Stromlo, Majura, Ourimbah, Awaba or the local fire trails and I'm hitting those rocks etc at a good clip. I have no doubt that technique plays a big part.
To paraphrase an old adage, at any given moment my riding consists of the following:
Pick 2.
I wouldn't, for example, choose to ride a short travel XC bike the way I rode the Rocky.
Set a high budget for the bathrooms and tell the misses every cent you save goes towards the bike.
Where is southern cross way? I know the southern cross way in Allambie - running parallel to the last sections the dam loop. But that is all very suitable for a short travel xc whippet bike, at pace, so I assume you are somewhere else – and now I want to know where.
Alternatively - this could be why I keep breaking bits of my bikes. Albeit nothing like your outstanding effort!
I could feel the back end cop a hammering down there, and it's the roughest stuff I regularly ride. So my money's on that kind of terrain doing the damage.
Or maybe water bars??? I generally manual onto those. Smooths them right out but I guess it'd load up the rear???
Bottom line is I don't know, lol.
After the parkway entry and going in to the DH, once you take the off camber lefthander and into the rock face, I've been keeping far left over the first water bar which seems to be a smoother line and allows you to keep more speed for a great launch off the second one.
Man, you were so lucky Pancakes, if you weren't riding dually you may have had a very close inspection of the trail...