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Red Hill idiots

Well it looks like we may have some future problems at Red Hill due to farkin idiots burning cars dumping rubbish and general un- wanted behaviour. The top car park trailhead has been closed and there are some notices around on the trails regarding endangered species , which could end up being "us".
There has been heaps of kids fanging around on those crappy ebay moto thumpers and also a lot of guys on unregisterd trail bikes using the grass area and tracks as speedway tracks, and a lot of the trails are being chewed up .
I do not have a problem with motocross bikes but I do have a problem with selfish individuals destroying the trails and creating noise polution for the unfortunate residents up there, I dont really know what one as an individual can do (dont risk getting attacked) but as a group we need to discourage these kids from destroying it for all of us, so if you see this happening and you are with a group of riders SAY SOMETHING.
In the kids defence it is not just the moto's that are a problem but also the big groups of "homeboy" boy racers that have been hanging around the top car park doing burn outs smoking weed and drinking and stripping cars.
Last night on dark when we were loading up the trucks there was still unregistered moto's tearing up and down the access road up to the top car park. If this keeps up the residents are now coping the full brunt of this noise down on the street level and obviously complaints will be filed which will increase the risk of access denied to this great area.
So if anyone has an idea or an input on how to deal with this please speak up ,( does anyone have conections with council) I would not like to see any threats or violence as most of them are just kids trying to have some fun just like the MTB community but they need some education on acceptable behavior in an urban fringe area .
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Maybe we should research another place where these kids can ride, as an alternative to them burning up and down the access roads next to the houses, or cutting up the single trails? Are there other places nearby that would work?
your not suggesting that you recommend that these guys on motos "please go to another location that ive found for you" are you? are they allowed to be there? i thought that type of land ment they were allowed there didnt it? not that i condone it, i hate seeing them rip up the trails, but if theyre allowed there, theres surely not much u can do..however, if there not allowed there, i would recommend that the appropriate authorities are contacted...regularly, till their so pissed off from hearing about it that they police it properly..or perhaps an anti-moto petition? that might work...
thats my favourite option...
or, we could all get together and smash all of them and harvest their organs for beer money
If it's public land they have to be registered and licensed.
However if you go to the authorities be prepared for ramifications. Bringing the spotlight on the area may not be the best idea as AFAIK none of the trails are officially approved.
As far as I know registered trail bikes are alowed in these location (please correct me if I am wrong in regards to said location) the problem is unregistered users = no insurance and no identification for authorities. I am open to all of humanity and hound using what we see and do , just dont F#ck it up for others I dont have any bias just because we make very little footprint on the trails , I enjoy bumping into anyone using the bush, a wave a nod a smile to anyone enjoying the bush( be it a dog walker ,moto , XC rider ,nudist- well maybe not !especially around deep creek a bit scary I have a story about that but not in this forum) so close to suburbia just leave it as you found it please so we can all have a get away thats not far away.
Hmm!! smash them for beer money well yes that would work for my possy as we do tend to enjoy the amber after the dirt.