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Mooney Mooney Creek

Saturday, 18 August, 2007 - 09:30 The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
3 hours
Come Rain or Shine:
I'll be there, no matter what the weather. Meeting Point:
Given news of Old Pacific Highway closure... Instead of heading down there, take the Peats Ridge Road exit from the freeway. Head left up Peats Ridge Road for a few Ks then right along Brieses Road and meet at the end.
Have heard good things about this ride and would like to check it out. Any one keen to play tour guide??
Meeting time can be changed if it doesn't suit the majority.
Hope to see you there
Who's in?
Rob, arpit, lorrie, scottm8, ar_junkie

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I tried to get there yesterday but both sides of the Old Pacific Highway are closed? Is there another way to get there?
Thanks for the news on road closures. Given that, I have a cunning plan, anyone else fancy this:
Instead of heading down Old Pacific Highway, go past there and take the Peats Ridge Road exit. Head left up there for a few Ks then right along Brieses Road. Meet end of there as per the link below:
End of Brieses Road.
From there we can either ride The Bucket or head down/up Reserve Road and ride the usual track backwards. To be honest, I wouldn't mind doing this anyhow as haven't checked out The Bucket. It will mean a bit more vertical, but hey, what goes up and all that
If we have some takers let's lock this meeting point in.Note: I've updated the meeting point above.
If the road is closed either side do we really have a choice have choice?
Thats fine with me. Will it be still be the same trail as we would have been riding??
Just in a different order. And the hills are on the way back, not at the start.
To be honest, I prefer to do hills at the start. Ditty, I think you are mistaken if you think it's all downhill from Brieses Road, but I could be wrong.
What goes up comes down.. I'm easy either way its a new track for me so i wouldn't have an opinion.... yet
Does anybody need a lift? I'm heading up from Lane Cove so a slight detour is cool. I think I owe someone a lift....
Hi guys,
We did mooney mooney yesterday. I took the calga turnoff to find the road closed. I just drove around the road block down to Karoola(?) Rd.
Tell you what though, I found it very hard going. A lot of carrying the bike for me. If you guys manage to ride all the way, then hats off to you. I don't know if the rains had washed away A LOT of sand, but it was very loose and rutted.
To those who, like me, will be taking the Old Pacific Highway from Cowan to the Riding location (And back) be warned that on weekends there are quite a few cyclists, motorcyclists going wide around the corners and tourists stopping to take pics. Oh, and it could possibly be the most heavily policed road in Sydney too... SO don't go too fast. That said, its a fun drive!
Have been caring for it obsessively hoping it will feel better, but after 2 hard falls on same knee it's still feeling ordinary and I don't want to be lagging behind, sore and underconfident, crying little girl tears. I've been feeling injury frustrated until I think of John off the bike for ANOTHER 6 weeks. Oh well, all part of the fun. Injuries do get less frequent after the first year don't they?
intense / severe
You get used to it, trust me
I'm sticking to to theory of 3, 3 years, 3 trips to hospital, 3 ribs in one prang, after this 3 breaks in my collar bone I'm sailing free and easy. No more prangs for meee.
Wooo Hooo John.
someone has to take the role of the "Lagging behind, sore and underconfident, crying little girl tears" since I won't be on my bike until next week at the earliest.
It was another beautiful summer's day... hang on...
There were 1 or 2 hills... a few creek crossings (no-one was up for the dam crossing though
) and plenty of good single track... stunning ride through the forest and 1 or 2 more hills...
) and soldier up 1 or 2 hills...
Nice to meet new faces, although I might have meet Scotty before (soz mate - I wear glasses and my eye sight's still bad!
Look forward to the next ride!
PS - can we have some more hills?
Is it just me, or did we have too many friends today?
Only 1000m vertical, what's the story there? Don't mind admitting I was stuffed after that!
Apologies for taking the wrong turn and doing 'the bucket' first. That was meant to be an optional extra after hitting up the more technical stuff.
Will post pics later, they need to go up to show how the floods have eroded the trail. Rough as predicted, but fun, huh?
BTW - by 'rough'. Hmmm... we were talking about this on the way up what is the 3rd climb on the profile. Think of the toughest technical section at Manly Dam (the stairs?). Then imagine riding that staircase for a kilometre... I don't mind admitting not making it all the way!
Pics are here:
Most of these have been placed in the main Mooney Mooney gallery too, don't get confused by this