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XC meets DH @ Oxford Falls

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
Morgan Road, Belrose. At the second 90 degree right hand bend in the road. There's an area just before you can park and a firetrail heading off to the left.
I know the boys who had a day last week on the big bikes would like to go back to oxford falls downhill. I thought it would be good to organise a ride for the people who fancied a cross country blast around the, well? Cross country course! Then meet up with the guys on the other ride(and by guys I mean men and women) for some photo ops and a bit of a laugh down the downhill course. I'll even lend my bike to anyone who wants a blast!
Maybe even go for a latte afterwards? And yes, you can bring you Cannondale if you like! Only joking jedi! Bruce, steve, gilbo, I know you'll be up for it, anyone else?

Were you there and have a story to tell?
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when you say your bike, you mean the onza?
i'm still waiting on that reply from a guy about a onza t-pro 20" to buy.
count me in.
no mate, i mean the big hit. I wanna go down the hills not back up them! Let me know about the onza and we'll have a mess around some day. Ill speak on sunday anyway. See you there.
If my bike bits arrive in time for me to fit them, I'm in!
ill be in if i can muster up the energy b4 work and after work, as it were! r u planning on doing shuttles? or going down as slowly as poss to avoid going up too much?
Happy to do the XC part and take photos for the DH part.
If you want some high res photos then I'll drag out the DSLR for the day.
Sounds like my kind of fun , I have not riden on any of the NobMob outings yet so if there is an opening I would like to join in ride and meet some of you mob
.My truck can take four bikes if that helps for the shuttle runs.
a truck sounds good mate. Ive got a ute that'll take 3 bikes and 3 riders. Dont think we'll be going all out at first as some of us are a little rusty on the big bikes so it may take a little time to get down on the first few runs. Ben, high res sounds good mate!
i found oxford falls was good for sessioning small bits as there are so many different sections ideal for that sort of thing rather than shuttling for long runs. The whole place is like a big terrain playground.
Yeah Ben, if you bring a DSLR that would be tops.
FWIW, it's not just about resolution... (you camera heathens
)... they are that much better 'cos the image sensor is a lot bigger, the lenses are 'faster' (let more light in) have continuous auto-focus (although my G7 has this too).
What time are you guys doing the DH stuff til? 12ish?
I have a school thing that goes til 10 but would be keen on the DH runs.
I know that area pretty well (Lizard Rock side also) It definately suits shuttling though as I wouldn't call them long runs! (about half Ourimbah)
cool, I'm due for downhill. I'll have a good shuttle vehicle too if we take that option.
that got you looking, i meant excellent! The more shuttle vehicles the better but as previously mentioned a few of us are a bit rusty so will be taking our time on the first few runs at least. As for time, i would imagine we'll be there till lunchtime at least. Cant wait, just hope the weather holds up.
suits me fine, I'm just easing into downhill.
How could I miss this one, top idea Gaz!
i wouldnt miss another chance to have a run down oxford.
see you all there.
is the downhilling at 8:30 or afterwards?...sorry am confused by the mention of meeting up with the xc-ers
830 for dh and xc and i think the xc guys are gonna come say g'day after they're done.
Won't be doing anything too fast. Just having a look around, meet a few people seeing as it'll be my first nobmob ride.
Sometime in the near future I should be able to start trying to keep up, getting a full face and some shinnies ASAP
I think I will be pulling out do to injury, start without me.
not happy Jan!
im out too soz, too much work on
Nice day out. Plenty of technical challenges for me with the XC group. Have to get out here and practice more!
Also fun taking pics of the crazy guys with big bikes.
Photos will be up as soon as Rob approves them:
Oh and if anyone wants the full resolution originals for any particular pic then PM me.
top day of riding, great pics and vid from buck and blackbetty.
video from today
good ride today guys and girl! nice to see some new faces(im getting sick of looking at the old ones) some good crashes but luckily nobody hurt too bad and good on ya for getting back on and going for it again. would like to get out on the big bike a bit more as im keen to get the confidence to do some of the bigger stuff and that only comes with getting more hours on the thing so if anyone wants to go again soon let me know. once again, thanks for a great day and thanks for you guys taking photos too. sam, im sorry we missed you on the second run but i was trying to get the boys down quicker then rob rode off with my keys. sorry mate.
Just echoing the words of Buck, Lee, Gaz etc... thanks to all for making for a fantastic day's riding. Although I am sure this is not true, it seems like we had not done a massive day of fun riding in ages. Something for everyone. There were so many of us there to count, but surely it was more than 20. For the cross country riders on the day, there was more than 5 hours of riding today. I am pretty sore and tired - please send over the masseuse! Or maybe I just need my next roid shot.
It was cool showing Caro, James and Tienster the Bahai temple trail at the far north end of Oxford Falls. Hope you enjoyed this, and the challenge this presents will give you something to aim for at future rides here. As I was telling Caro, this track is awesome. Pity there is no ski lift to get out there.
James, hope you enjoyed the first ride with us and that we will see you out again sometime. Getting a new fella along is what we are all about... and as Gaz says, we are all tired looking at these same old heads anyway.
Rob, are you going to post the MB track for today?
Just a note for anyone that was not out at Oxford Falls recently, given all the recent rain of the last month, Oxford Falls is in it's best condition all winter. Some good news, finally.
Happy trails!
You want the profile for today, Ditty? Well here is the sorry effort:
9.08Km... oh dear
Of course this is the pre-photo session stuff, there were a few runs on the DH course to add, and your adventures on other trails we didn't see. Personally, I enjoyed beating the shuttle drivers up the hill - can't you guys load 'n' drive any faster!
Yes, today was pure fun (aside from various - ahem - OTB experiences), which was fine by me after yesterday. Thanks to the DH riders for the chance to get some great pics. You're mental - the lot of you
thanks everybody for this great day!
Hadn't been to OF for ages and loved it!
The new beast rides pretty much without me doing anything, am over the moon
Big thanks to you Peter for pushing me, feel like my old self again!! (Finally!!)
Bless the adrenaline
Liam, the BT ride is awesome indeed, loads of challenges there still to ride, am looking forward to go back there. and it's worth the hike out now worries!!
James nice to meet you! Hope you had a good time and see you back next time.
DH crowd, you are amazing! I can't believe you rode what you did??!! And as I hear I missed the really big stuff while we were doing the XC loop. Crazy! I hope you stick with what you are doing now for a while, not sure if I can watch you doing even bigger stuff much longer without having a heart attack
Squiddly, you are a crazy man!
Great to see you riding, thanks for the ('theoretical')introduction to DH, great fun! Good luck with your event up in Newcastle.
Thanks to the Pizza shop at TH for saving our lives, best Pizza! Yuuuummmmmmy!!!!
I have over 400 photos to sift through....will take some time will be culling tonight...and shall begin posting.
Lee how do you get away with that man....just wait till you see the pic! Yes you know the one.
Thanks GAZZA had fun riding with the MOB on Sunday, at home lickn my wounds second crash resulting in a knee that looks like a very large grapefruit , didnt feel it at the time adrenalin and all that but it did manage to put me off from riding the bigger jumps , something I hope to change next time.
If you were feeling rusty on your DH bike it did not show very impressive! looking forward to the next DH day now that I know the tracks at OX FALLS I hopefully will feel more confidant , count me in for next time.
Hey everyone, thanks for a great ride yesterday, good to meet some new people and try out some new trails.
Special thanks to liam for your help with that damn tube and for showing us the Bahai Temple trail.
Will try find some decent photos/videos to put up of you crazy DHers and a few others.
Can't wait for the next ride
Thanks to everyone for an awesome day. First time mob ride for me and I had a ball. Seen a lot of you in the shop so it was good to put a bike to the faces haha.
Looking forward to the next meet!
all you secret elite photographers
Sundays ride was one of best rides to date, was really nice to meet some new people.
A big thanks to Gary for hosting the ride, you continue to blow us away with your abilities on the bike mate.
Blackbetty, thanks for the tube, I will give it back to you on the next ride we are at.
Didn't know we had so many good photographers amongst us, nice work guys.
The real hero of the day though would have to be Terry Hills pizza shop, for the usual stragglers that never want to go home the pizza was a life saver.
Bruce you're too hard on your bike I mean, regularly needing extra parts to continue.
I'll pack plenty for Sunday, lol.
He did not need anything on MY bike for 2 day's!!!
It got too heavy for our precious Cupcake so he had to swap with Carolin, now thats chivalry for you!!