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Bad weather

Hermet's picture

By Hermet - Posted on 20 August 2007

Is it still possible to ride the manly dam track with all the rain we have had?
i was thinking of going out tomorrow.

Rob's picture

Lookie here:

That looks like quiet a bit of rain. Technically the dam is open until the rangers say it's closed. That said, experience tells me it will be pretty soggy tomorrow. We rode there last week and parts hadn't even dried out from the soaking last month!

Hermet's picture

do you know what tracks are best to ride after alot of rain?

Rob's picture

Erm... nothing really, but... the stuff up in Ku-ring-gai (Duck Holes, Centre Track, those to the West side of West Head Road) all seem to drain better than most.

However, they can be quiet sandy so will eat your brakes and drive train in the wet Sad

Alex's picture

actually as non techy as it is, ive done the RNP in pretty damn wet conditions a couple of times and it was quite good, rocky and hard packed soil, plus alot of covered by trees sections..i enjoyed it anyway, alot better than the muddy north shore stuff!

blackbetty's picture

this is the sort of time when you go find a trail that no one really ever rides, and take an old bush bashin bike (or ya mates good bike), old clothes and cover yourself top to toe. brings out the little boy in all our soles.

Little-Ditty's picture

I don't know of too many single tracks that would cope well with all the rain. Typically all of the inner city trails like Manly Dam, Oxford Falls and Red Hill suffer the worst because they are over used by riders, and don't drain well due to the sandstone rocks everywhere.

Firetrails are a better bet. Try Lane Cove, Davidsons/Cascades, or Terrey Hills. Not perfect, I know. Out of town? Try the Oaks, that always keeps it's integrity pretty well. But seeing Sydney had 100mm dumped on it yesterday, you take what you can get! Eye-wink

Flynny's picture

ridge top trails tend to withstand the wet a bit better than ones that run in gullies or the bottom of hills.

Just make sure you wash your bike very well in between wet rides as fungus and bacteria, such as die back and black rot get transported around in mud.

Wash those tyre people

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