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urban assault - cool spaces?

Last night and also last thursday a mate and me did a bit of an "urban assault" ride.
Living in annandale (i know, NOT northern beaches, oops) I'm pretty lucky as i can be down on Jubilee park in glebe in minutes. There is a great path along blackwattle bay, and from there i can be in darling harbour in less than 10 minutes.
Going along this way, i've found some great terrain to test myself on, especially around the casino/wharf 7/darling harbour. From there we generally head up towards martin place (GREAT steps to go both up and down) and then cruise around looking for more things to ride over...
last night we found we were running out of options, and kept returning to the same places as we couldnt find anymore entertainment
Can anyone suggest some good places in the city for some fun riding??
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with urban riders in town but from memory they tend to spend most of their time down around circular key / rocks.
From memory there is a "trials site" that has this ride posted. Sorry, its a bit sketchy I know but thats the best I can do.
Sure someone else will fill in the gaps.
I've done similar things on a Thursday, the only other places I can think of are:
- Hyde park, around where the fountain is and where the chess players are there's benches and steps and some highish concrete bits, should add in another 10 mins! Oh and the steps whare the gun is are fun to clear hopping up.
- More fun is around Cook & Phillip pool, there's a small park area to the east of the Pool entrance which has some obstacles/drops/steps you can have fun on.
If all else fails practice wheelieing, trackstanding and manualing, all you need is a flat space and no pride for that!
didn't think of that, and we were just over the road too last night! (in Hyde park)
i'll remember to give it a go next time...
my manuals definately need work too!
hmm im annandale area too, have been thinking of an urban pedal for a while - i was thinking of checking out the 5dock skate/bmx park, is said to be a huge one just done up..from annandale could prob go through the back of rozelle/lilyfield down via the bay run to link it up.. just a thought
Where's the 5-Dock BMX park? I'm in Balmian so not too far away.
its in five dock park, this map will show you, and also some other good city rides
Yeah i know that bowl. i used to live just around the corner from there... It use to always be full of broken glass though. never ridden it, but i used to drive my radio controlled car in there
I've not tried any scate bowls or anything on my current bike. i wonder what it'd be like. I may give it a go this week...
there's also a great skate park in dulwich hill (a little bit further afield) which has cars and things you can jump over
yeh they re did the whole area last year and turned it into the largest skate/bmx park in the city i believe, is quite different to how it used to be.. not sure how bowls themselves would go an a big bike, but jumps and burms would be a bit of fun i'd imagine- yeh heard of the dulwich hill one too, usually those guys get the shits when u take 26"'s on skate parks for some stupid reason, which can make it a bit uncomfortable- dunno if thats still the case
I know what you mean, it's almost like surfers and boarders... doing essentially the same stuff, but somehow you're seen as the enemy!
I dunno if i'll have time this week, but if i do, i might try and get to five dock.
you want me to let you know if we go Alex?
yeh for sure ill be up for a pedal mate cheers- ill be in canberra this weekend
but after that im free during the day or sat/sun/mon's are pretty free at the mo-
a couple of other guys i was riding with the other day expressed interested in an urban ride too-
maybe post one up if u want?
Hi Guys,
Yeap 5 dock is ok, but like ya said it is pretty Skatie.
Does anybody know of some good dirt jumps in the innerwest???? I am hanging out for some, otherwise it is driving to Mortdale or the North Shore...
Howdy willow.
There used to be a BMX track on the cooks river just near the ice-skating rink in canterbury. havent been there in years so dont now if it still exists, but could be worth exploring. nothing massive or over exciting, but jumps none the less...
and Alex - cool - may put together a ride
the only dirt jumpy things i know of are terry hills bmx track and castle hill bmx track (said to be awesome)..and of course the ones at redhill/oxford etc -i dont know of anything dirt based in the city at all
there used to be a bmx track in annandale would you believe, near the skateboard bowl that used to be in piper st. park, but residents had them both torn down due to noise
now theres a little mini ramp in its place, and a big useless garden where the bmxer was...sad times
Yo Alex & Modelcitizen thanks for the info. Yeah the castlehill BMX track is pretty good. I used to ride there abit. I am into more DH/FR now, but at the castle hill track you can learn to drop (use the side of the starter gates) then get air, couple of spots to jump and land side on. A couple of areas to practice 360 without killing yourself. The track is not like a dirt jump park with sequences inline but still fun.
I will check out the stuff at canterbury.
The jumps at Mortdale are fun, but to far away!!
Somebody needs to build a jump park! with foam pitts and the works
was at terrey hills with matt yesterday and had good fun on the bmx track. Im doing this from my phone but when i get home tonight im gonna post a ride for friday as most people have it off at the track. All welcome. Noticed there was some nice logs in the park too so might bring the trials bike too if anyone wants a go? Ill have more details tonight but im certainly interested in an urban ride one day/night.
i'm definitely up for an urban session some time. a while ago now i bought a bike specifically for urban/street/park stuff but i only ever ride by myself locally so it does get a little boring it has to be said.
i can't do this friday but a future city ride would be great.
will keep my ear to the ground.
there is a skater bowl near Canterbury,
Nothing to write home about, its kinda small.
Its in the top right hand corner of the map, where the two train lines inteersect.
anyone got a decent size shed/wherehouse! im a chippy and would definately be up fo building a ramp/pit. mind you, you can just about practice everything on a trampoline with a converted bike with ski like attachments instead of wheels but i suppose a pit is good for all your backflip tricks,,,,, YEAH, RIGHT! im nearly 40 years old and have no insurance and im gonna start practising backflips on a bike coz im gonna start competing in freeride comps!!! i dont think so! but you can always dream!
A mate of mine broke his ankle in a foam pit. Seems he hit the foam all wrong. it spread and he hit the floor.
i bet there's not many people can say they've done that! maybe they were a bit tight on the foam? think id do a few test dives first, a top dirt jumping mate of mine and his brother in the uk used to wrap foam and tape it around themselves to prevent bruising and scrapes.never had any foam pits then!!!
Mate do it!! we wanta see ya cleaning up the 40+ backflip catergory.
Anyway i am only 36 and i know that dispite my youth i had some guy 50+ kick my butt on a techical section of the Manly Dam extension the other day!!
can i be like that when i grow up?
Redhill is pretty good to practise as their are some jumps with sand landings. Which sure beats landing on the rocks!
I saw a dvd from Dirt magazine that showed Gee Atherton training. It was mad, he basically showed the progression from, foam pit to landing onsoft rubbery ground, to landing on a wooden ramp to full on dirt!! Ya nice way to learn
I have a ball pit that isn't used any longer, feel free to use this. You will need to supply the balls because mine have withered and cracked by not being used.
works a treat on withered and cracked balls mate. The harder you rub it in the more supple they become. Maybe we could all come round one day and jump on your balls!