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National Parks - Sydney North

Local rider reps met with NPWS last week to discuss where things were at and also talked with contacts in State Government. This has been ongoing since we initially met with NPWS and policy advisors in 2009
We were informed that recent meetings had taken place with Mike Baird (State Treasurer, whom has been helping us last few years) and the Office of Environment (formerly DECCW, under which NPWS resides) and all was positive.
Parks also discussed generally about some areas they were investigating for trails in the Sydney North region. The chosen site will form the long awaited pilot study.
In August rider reps can expect to be invited to meet with a trail contractor, trail builder and environmental guys to look over some areas and provide local rider input. This will be a focus group meeting and also a site walk.
Following this will be formal processes called Review of Environmental Factors (REF's) which are detailed flora, fauna, aborginal heritage studies etc, design and later construction. This is not an over night process and will take some time, however this is a massive win for us in the Sydney region.
This trail will be studied in terms of usage, wear etc for local Sydney conditions in addition to the standard monitoring etc typical on a managed trail.
NPWS are also using their guidance to coordinate with local Councils to produce a regional strategy that provides more detail than the State Strategy.
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As posted by nrthrnben
This is a reponse received by a rider from a letter sent to NPWS.
"The revised NPWS Cycling Policy has been finalised and is also with NPWS directors. The publication of this and the NPWS Sustainable Mountain Biking Strategy has been brought forward to August 16, when they will be officially announced by the Minister for Environment and Heritage.
Stake holder groups will be invited by the Minister on 16 August, to inspect the suggested routes identified through preliminary investigations in to suitable sites for a mountain bike trial in the northern Sydney region.
Furthermore, it is a proposed recommendation in the Strategy, that mountain biking groups and other stake holders may be consulted on a variety of topics during the various stages of planning, design and maintenance of mountain biking experiences in NSW national parks."
Good news indeed! Thank you to all those MTB'ers who are fighting the good fight on behalf of us all.
Thats really good to hear Simon, all the pieces of the puzzle are being put together nicely.
got some questions re: strategy, might shoot you a PM tommorow
Thanks for the update Simon - I was wondering whether the NPWS/MTB policy has disappeared into a black hole after the election.
On other fronts, I'm off to see Western Sydney Parklands (again) this week to try to stir up some progress after the release of their PoM a few months back.
Not bad and not too badly quoted!
mate, well done