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Mountain bike riders set to blaze a trail through national parks

SYDNEY'S mountain bikers have always been hampered by one thing - a conspicuous lack of proper mountain trails.
Instead they have independently, usually illegally, carved their own tracks through national parks around the city fringes.
This could be about to change, with the state government to release a discussion paper today on ways of balancing the needs of the state's 30,000 dedicated mountain bike riders with those of people who go to national parks for the trees and wildlife, peace and quiet.
From SMH here (took up a good deal of page 3 in print):
Update: The Manly Daily's Take:
Update 17/9: The St George & Sutherland Shire Leader piece:
DECCW media release is here:
And the paper is supposed to be here from today (not up as of 07:00) here... discussion closes 18 October:
Update: Closing date for comments is now 25 October:
I cannot stress enough how important it is that everyone back this initiative! This means comment, comment, comment. Nothing is going to happen unless mountain bike riders show they have the numbers to justify proper facilities.
FWIW, I am meeting a NPWS Director Regional Manager (no longer acting director) this arvo for an informal chat that should now be pretty interesting
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This is something we all need to get behind 110% and make sure we make ourselves heard in a good way!
I am 110% behind the call for all riders to get 110% behind this initiative: the more public submissions they receive from mountain bikers, the greater the chance we get an equitable deal for mountain bikers, walkers and all parks users.
The National Parks should be a resource enjoyed - sustainably - by all, not just ardent 'greenies'.
Paper is up on the site now by the looks of things.
So what do we need to do?
I received an email from about this today. The important bit is this:
The paper can be downloaded and submissions can be made online at
Submissions can also be emailed to [email protected]
Submissions can be mailed to
Cycling Policy and Mountain Biking Strategy,
Department of Environment and Climate Change,
PO Box 1967,
Hurstville NSW 1481.
In addition, they will be conducting community meetings in late September and early October.
I will do all i can to promote this everywhere, if everyone does this, we will arrive at the desired result.
Remember, don't just think of your preferred discipline, rather think of the larger picture, and make sure all MTB Disciplines that can be built sustainably are catered for as it has been done everywhere else in Aus and the rest of the world.
It will be amazing to have a network of sustainable IBMA standard Cross country, All mountain and Downhill trails in our back yard!
Mountain bikers will leave trail of destruction
Hot on the heels of its legislation which opens up NSW national parks to commercial tourist development, the government now wants to spend vast sums constructing playgrounds for adrenaline-charged thrillseekers in our precious natural areas (''Mountain bike riders set to blaze a trail through national parks'', September 10). Where will this frantic drive to open up our national parks to pressure groups end? Next it will be trail bikes and off-road vehicles - or even shooters.
Chris Southwood admits he has been using illegal trails for years, obviously unhampered by rangers. Are we really to believe that mountain bike riders will sedately cycle along these constructed paths, smelling the wildflowers and quietly enjoying the natural ambience? Of course not; they will continue to seek the steepest and most challenging downhill routes, and continue to do so unchallenged.
Pedestrians in cities are under siege from cyclists using footpaths illegally and running red lights. Now bushwalkers and other park visitors will never know when they are going to be knocked off their feet.
Never have more people visited our national parks. The National Parks and Wildlife Service estimates that 38 million people a year passively enjoy their peace and beauty. Opening up parks to damaging and dangerous activities such as mountain bike riding will destroy not only the plants, soil and rocks, but the park experience for the great majority of visitors.
Elizabeth Elenius, Chairwoman, Colong Foundation for Wilderness, Sydney
Bikers cherish the bush too
Illegal mountain bike trails that are poorly built do damage, but trails built according to International Mountain Bike Association standards do not (''Mountain bike riders set to blaze a trail through national parks'', September 10). The scientific evidence shows mountain biking has a similar impact to walking and the key to sustainability lies in trail design rather than trail use.
Mountain bikers have been working with conservation groups for years to find common ground and to educate one another. This type of article with the headline about "blazing trails" does not help.
Conservationists are losing the battle for the hearts and minds of younger generations. Getting younger people involved in national parks is critical to winning their love for the environment. Only then will they be there to protect the bushland in the future. Mountain biking is a wonderful opportunity to secure them as champions of the environment when they grow older.
Campbell King Asquith
Will I get an email from the event promoters asking me to comment? Hasn't happened so far.
Seems a pretty simple way to ensure more people know about the need to comment. Anyone know how to encourage the race promoters to use their email lists for good cause?
That comment from Elizabeth Elenius has to be an embarrassment to their members. Elizabeth doesn't appear to know what mountain bike riding is all about and doesn't appear to have asked anyone. Nor does she seem to understand that riders don't even want access to wilderness areas (given the name of her organisation I would assume these are their main concern) - they just want to have meaningful rides without having to drive (and isn't the car evil?) hundreds of kays to a decent track.
As Sally Barnes has pointed out, some national parks will never be useful for mountain bike riders, and most riders would be happy with that statement. What is required though, is fair and proper access to those parks close to urban populations such as Ku-ring-gai and Garigal in the North of Sydney. Again - these are not wilderness areas.
Worse still, is that in what reads like a knee jerk reaction to the SMH article (which at second reading does appear to have some purposefully confrontational language) Elizabeth feels the need to attack all bike riders. I'd imagine this would alienate a lot of people that would otherwise support the Colong Foundation. I'd imagine a lot of people who would sympathise with their cause would like to forsake the car for an alternate form of transport and isn't the bike ideal for that? While there are some idoits about (as there are in every activity - driving and bush walking included) branding all bikes as evil really is bad form, shame on you Elizabeth.
Rob applying rules of logic to the colong foundation is grasping at straws.
Make outrageously sensationalist claims firm first. seek facts... well I suppose they seek out facts a some point, but that doesn't usually distract them from the argument.
I think the comment "impact is a product of design rather than use" sums it up. I spent the weekend at the Central Coast and rode a section of the Great North Walk. Through one of the "hike a bike" sections near Patonga I couldn't believe how the walking trail was constructed. The track went straight up a 30% gradient for about 100m and from the erosion you could see it had just turned into a river after heavy rain.
With the huge scrutiny mountain biking has been subject to the product has been the writing of a bible of trail design, which is applicable to any track.
No one wants to build a single track competition course in pristing virgin wilderness. Near the major cities though the parks are typically very degraded environments, and mountain biking can have a positive impact. The last time I went to Menia I couldnt believe the amount of rubbish dumping going on around the trails, and theft of bushrock is a real issue also. With riders around it makes it harder for these illegal stuff.
But aside from that the article in the herald looks pretty much like its a case of "its way more interesting if you only tell half the story"..
comment, that anyone off this site?
Brilliant comment on the Manly Daily:
Yeah - coming back as a rabbit... oh, the irony
In response to Elizabeth Elenius, Sally Barnes (Head, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service) wrote:
I hope Sally walks the walk after talking the talk!!
Ah... just noticed that Leader article has a poll... go vote if you have the time. 5 seconds at least is required
6 seconds tho
Come on guys... if you haven't commented yet, please do so on at least the first topic. Fill in the form bottom of this page with a few nice words:
Is anyone going to the public forum on riding in national parks for Northern Sydney next Thursday?
Turramurra: Thursday 7 October 6-8pm, Turramurra Bowling Club, 181 Bobbin Head Road Turramurra. Please RSVP to 13PARK (137275) or [email protected]
In the calendar: - Sydney North (Turramurra) - Springwood - Sutherland
If you are going please indicate on the meeting page
We all need to make a submission to the actual discussion paper along similar lines as IMBA's!
Commenting on "have your say" is great, but submissions usually have more power.
They need thousands in favor, cmon people lets do our part.
Yup, it's the last day for submission tomorrow!
FWIW, here's what I just emailed off, but you could just as easily comment on their forum:
Todays the release date Aug 16,
Was expecting some forum action
There was a meeting this morning. Awaiting reports from those who attended.
Take a look here:
well done to all!