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Thank you all for your submissions!
Just a quick note to thank everyone who commented on the NPWS mountain bike discussion paper over the last month or so.
It might have taken some prompting (sorry), but a nice flow of submissions ended up on the government's forum. The final tally was 2310 comments across the 6 topics listed.
To highlight what a sterling job mountain bike riders have done in showing the department what a massive demand for mountain biking facilities there is, just have a look at a couple of other topics on the 'Shape Your State' site and the interest they received:
- Health Reform received 242 comments across 13 topics.
- Barangaroo development received 290 comments across 17 topics.
So go mountain bikers! Hopefully these numbers will prove to be a message that the authorities just cannot ignore.

Mountain bike riders set to blaze a trail through national parks
SYDNEY'S mountain bikers have always been hampered by one thing - a conspicuous lack of proper mountain trails.
Instead they have independently, usually illegally, carved their own tracks through national parks around the city fringes.
This could be about to change, with the state government to release a discussion paper today on ways of balancing the needs of the state's 30,000 dedicated mountain bike riders with those of people who go to national parks for the trees and wildlife, peace and quiet.
From SMH here (took up a good deal of page 3 in print):
Update: The Manly Daily's Take:
Update 17/9: The St George & Sutherland Shire Leader piece:
DECCW media release is here:
And the paper is supposed to be here from today (not up as of 07:00) here... discussion closes 18 October:
Update: Closing date for comments is now 25 October:
I cannot stress enough how important it is that everyone back this initiative! This means comment, comment, comment. Nothing is going to happen unless mountain bike riders show they have the numbers to justify proper facilities.
FWIW, I am meeting a NPWS Director Regional Manager (no longer acting director) this arvo for an informal chat that should now be pretty interesting