3 Ring Circus

Re: This ride meeting:
3 Ring Circus Wingello 10am
Position (Overall):
Race Category:
50kms being three seperate loops sunday
Position (Category):
19 Went into this race not knowing what to expect as I had been suffering from a head cold during the week. Seemed to get better towards the end of the week so decided to do the race as I hadn't ridden much lately.
Ended up feeling OK and was able to push on in the second half of the race. Happy to finish with an average speed of around 20. The single track was perfectly groomed and as grippy as usual. More hills on the fire trails than I remember but when its only 50k its not that hard to push on as the climbs don't last that long.
Well done. That put you on track for a sub 5hr next weekend
Good work Paul. Gotta be happy with that!
Great result Paul ,did they make you do the wall?you are busy race events 3 weekends in a row!
Only been on the bike for about 20 hours in the last 5 weeks so was expecting to struggle but it went better than I expected so happy with the result. Going to try and fit some riding in this week if I feel ok as the more work you do the luckier you get with these races.
I started a fair way back so when we got to the wall was still in a fairly large group. I was planning to ride at least the first bit so dropped down to the small ring at the bottom of the hill and then everyone in front of me just stopped. I guess I was somewhere between 100-150 back from the lead but still surprised no one tried to ride it.
Guess I will just have to start further up the front if I want to see it happen next time.
@craked racing 3 weekends in a row isn't busy. Its the weekends that I don't go racing that seem busy.
So are you going to start up the front on Sunday?
Will probably start in the first wave after the elites. I am sure there will be more than 60 in the wave though.