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Golden Jubilee

Hi all,
Is Golden Jubilee open and rideable yet ?? Have you gone for a spin ?? What's the skill level ?? Hoping to take a newbie or two for a spin this weekend
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Went for a few hours on saturday morning. Its reallly cool, and as far as im aware the xc track, skills section are open but the pump track is still closed off to dry, maybe its ready now with he weather were having. Skill level is from beginner to anything you make of it. I guess where the skill comes in is riding it really fast
Defiantly worth checking it out!
Had myself a lot of fun.
Cheers Jonathan by all accounts of what I've read and how I've interpreted the maps it looks like it should be a good laugh
Where can we find maps or info?
Yeah mate, theres a really good section where its 3 big berms in a row followed by a big berm hairpin where you carry some decent speed into the next section...good stuff.
I took some photos aswell, if you want ill post them up when i get a chance.
would like to see photo's
Hey, not sure how to post the photos in the thread. It wont let me..
The photos are just of the skills section thou. If anyone would be so kind as to enlighten me how to post them, then ill post them with pleasure.
Post em in a blog about the fun you had there, or new forum thread, or the Turramurra north tails entry gallery.
Here the pics..
[Mod. embedded images]
Thanks mate, you inspired me to go and have a spin out there this arvo.
All up - pretty good use of space. The skills section nearly saw me go OTB a few times... I slid off the big berm (too much tyre pressure) The see saw is great fun - kept going over and over to practice for the mutha at Kiwarrak. The boardwalks were good for control practice.
The xc downward (not downhill) track is over and done with all too soon, but there is a great little climb coming back up.
If you look carefully there is a small single track niggle behind the park. No more than a km, but good fun - it loops back to the park.
Kind of something for everyone really. I wouldnt say it was set up purely for newbies as the skills section has a good mix up of techy ups and downs - certainly enough to keep me occupied at staying RSD.
Thanks again for posting it up.
Are you referring to single track thats before you turn off around the pump track to go down the xc track (when your going past the skills section and you can sorta go straight)?
Ive really been meaning to ride around there for a while. It looks really good.
Firstly thanks to the guys involved with this project, awesome work to get to this stage, and is a good start with a lot of future potential.
Honest Feedback:
Skills park
Great fun, are there any others of this kind in NSW or OZ?
Could be bigger, more extensive maybe they can add to it in future stages as it may get a bit crowded.
The wooden berm is too steep, needs to be "relaxed" a bit, as currently you have to hit it super fast and throw you bike sideways into it.
Northshore skinnies are great fun, well built, the one with the right hand turn was tricky the first time!
See saw may need some old tyres dug in under it.
Super well groomed, a work of art! cant wait to give it a go when it opens!
Flow trail
Fun, but waaaaaaaay too short and artificial and a bmx could ride the downward section no worries, needs some tree's about 5 more k's of AM single trail in the actual bush, next stage please! some fun corners and berms but it felt like it was about 1k of trail tops
XC trail directly behind skills park and pumptrack
existing trail, didnt look official but super fun loop, sweet dowhillish section to start then flat and uphillish end near where you started
Any guys involved in the advocacy of this park on here?, If so, how can we pass on feedback to council, as i was told they want feedback.
Looks like fun - where is it - how do I get there?????
There it is on google maps. Just go directions and plug your details in, and presto!
Yep thats the one.
+1 for nthnarra too - my thoughts exactly.
Now for one to be built at Redhill/seaforth/oxy - anywhere on the beaches.
Actually - what about at Ingleside?????
ta - will check it out soon
Best photos of the place I've seen yet!
When is the official council opening day?
The place looks brilliant, if I get a chance, I'll have a look on the weekend.
Anyone know when the pump track opens?
Excellent! We are so there tomorrow morning
Guess I'd better charge up the helmet cam, eh?
Pump track was great fun. Might be some issues with longevity... some dopey kid rode off the side of one of the 180deg berms and tore a chunk out with his chainring :rolls eyes:
Will post footage of flow track once upload completes in half an hour or so.
This place will do a lot to lift the rider skill level in northern Sydney. Gotta get one in Warringah!
I rocked up around 10 today. Got one run down the flow track and climbed up the single on the other eide and then my cassette stoped free spinning. Went to the car and took my chain off. Of to the pump track i went, chainless. Was good fun once i got the hang of it.
I agree about the longevity of the pump track, watched so many pedaling and bottoming out their pedals. By midday the place was flooded with families and kids.
Official opening 25 September.
There is a competition for naming the facility:
I think Kur-rign-gai council want feedback on the track and you provide it directly to them. Obviously its awesome they got it built.
A tyre was getting put in place on the seesaw today by Adrian of Synergy Trails (contractor to World Trail). There is a mound of clay for repairing the pump track. The big rings, pedals, and scooters will continue to gouge it.
Yes, I know your granny could walk it faster with her rollator
Just checked. Kur ring gai council have not formerly asked for feedback, but you can still send it directly to them.
Thanks mate, will try to lock that date in, Time?
Nice work with the tyres, Adrian seems like he's onto it, When the seesaw broke when we where there, he was down to fix the pivot mount within 20mins. World trail must be stoked to have him onboard.
I don't know what time yet.
You would think if they wanted anyone to turn up for the official opening, they would put the time on the flyer??
Nice Vid Hawkeye,thanks for posting! what quality setting did you use on the contour?
Anyone know if they are going to put up any directional signs?
When I went out there, there were some indications that it was being used as two downhill tracks, with the fire trail up the middle as the return journey from either side. I rode it myself that way the first time and the uphill section rides OK in a downward direction.
I'm told the steeper short one was built to be the return line to take you back up. With decent sight lines, having the flexibility to ride both directions has advantages. It's courteous to give way to the rider riding uphill (#4). I expect some IMBA signage to go up. Little round green circles and blue squares, that kind of thing. Maybe they will have little direction triangles on them, but I don't think they are necessary if a trail can be ridden both directions. A rider belting downhill and failing to negotatate around a rider riding uphill is not doing #3.
This is share-trail rules, not race rules.
"Rules of the Trail
IMBA developed the "Rules of the Trail" to promote responsible and courteous conduct on shared-use trails. Keep in mind that conventions for yielding and passing may vary in different locations, or with traffic conditions.
1. Ride Open Trails: Respect trail and road closures — ask a land manager for clarification if you are uncertain about the status of a trail. Do not trespass on private land. Obtain permits or other authorization as required. Be aware that bicycles are not permitted in areas protected as state or federal Wilderness.
2. Leave No Trace: Be sensitive to the dirt beneath you. Wet and muddy trails are more vulnerable to damage than dry ones. When the trail is soft, consider other riding options. This also means staying on existing trails and not creating new ones. Don't cut switchbacks. Be sure to pack out at least as much as you pack in.
3. Control Your Bicycle: Inattention for even a moment could put yourself and others at risk. Obey all bicycle speed regulations and recommendations, and ride within your limits.
4. Yield Appropriately: Do your utmost to let your fellow trail users know you're coming — a friendly greeting or bell ring are good methods. Try to anticipate other trail users as you ride around corners. Bicyclists should yield to other non-motorized trail users, unless the trail is clearly signed for bike-only travel. Bicyclists traveling downhill should yield to ones headed uphill, unless the trail is clearly signed for one-way or downhill-only traffic. In general, strive to make each pass a safe and courteous one.
5. Never Scare Animals: Animals are easily startled by an unannounced approach, a sudden movement or a loud noise. Give animals enough room and time to adjust to you. When passing horses, use special care and follow directions from the horseback riders (ask if uncertain). Running cattle and disturbing wildlife are serious offenses.
6. Plan Ahead: Know your equipment, your ability and the area in which you are riding and prepare accordingly. Strive to be self-sufficient: keep your equipment in good repair and carry necessary supplies for changes in weather or other conditions. Always wear a helmet and appropriate safety gear." ( )
Ben, maybe ring/email the council and see what they say. I'll just turn up some time. It's pretty busy outside school/work hours. I went there on Monday morning to get some pumptrack action in without having to dodge all the kids. That pump track is awesome. Evey council should build a pump track (at least). They are so small and not expensive.
check this link
The signage is being made at this very moment, Snorc have donated an old bike which council are powder coating to included as part of the signage.
Just sent in my entry for the "name the Mountain bike park comp!
Is there an event created here somewhere?
25/09/2011 2pm
You know what to do
will give it a go if you like but im prob not the best person for the job seeming as though I havent done it before, was checking if someone had created one allready
Edit: Done!