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Hornsby Mountain Bike Park (submit a short letter)

It's been brewing for years and now it's currently "On Exhibition".
"Make a submission Written submissions are invited and should be sent to [email protected] or by post to PO Box 37, Hornsby NSW 1630. The closing date for submissions is Friday 30 September 2011."
This is it folks, for Hornsby Shire Council. Now is the time to write in a letter of support, or just take an earlier one and re-date it and send it. Typically with these things, numbers count. Even a one liner is another letter of support. If you are a local, it can be a good thing to mention it. If not, well that still helps every little bit. All those little bits add up into a really big helpful thing called "numbers of letters of support = x".
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Will send an email to them tommorow.
Everyone that reads this please send a quick email in favor if you like the plan.
If you think there should be DH included in the plan or future stages, in order to be a true mtb park, mention this also.
Have you posted on Rotor, post in trailbuilding, general and any other relevant subforums,and keep bumping it up with motivational posts.
Also can we get this thread or similar on Nobmob's main page for visibility?
Everyone that reads this please send a quick email in favor if you like the plan.
If you think there should be DH included in the plan to be a true mtb park mention this also.
Have you posted on Rotor, post in trailbuilding and general and any other relevant subforums,and keep bumping it up with motivational posts.
Also can we get this thread or similar on Nobmob's main page for visibility?
Its very easy.
Download the report by IMBA Australia.
Write a letter and send to council
All done.
Would be good if a mod could move this thread to the NSW advocacy sub-forum so it would visible across the associated sites.
Do it now, as allready posted above
This is one amazing Draft Plan!
Anyone involved in advocacy, if you havent allready get IMBA involved.
After reading the draft, im scratching my head to think of how it could be better?
My submission to council will be in full support of the Draft plan by IMBA Australia.
What is the black diamond trail that the IMBA doc talks about?
Submission via email sent, very easy...lets get behind this everyone!
I think there is a section that is actually blue, but due to a short section bit of cliff on the edge, and a tight switchback/roll over it has to be marked black. I think that bit might have been rerouted. The whole thing is mostly green/blue.
section 7.3 Advanced trail sections. Black Diamond
Funnel Web
Black Dog
Red Belly (Upgrade of unofficial dh trail)
As this looks very important, I would say we should specifically mention our support of this?
... I'd be pushing hard for DH to be included somewhere in the municipality, but perhaps as a separate phase or in another (nearby) location.
I will definitely be commenting on the need for DH to be catered for in order to reduce motivation for illegal trailbuilding.
However, if we ask for it to be included in the park's designs at this late stage it will push back the implementation of the whole thing. New proposals will be needed, new assessments required. Given "government time" runs ten times slower than normal, it could add years.
Scope creep is one of the major and most common causes for project failure. So let's just do what we can to get this implemented as-is as quickly as possible so that we have something to ride and prove how good we are, and set a precedent that will grease the wheels for future trail implementations.
I've spent a couple of hours reading the IMBA and environmental documents and will lodge a comment over the weekend.
Read the section,its allready in the draft by IMBA.
its not changing anything just voicing support for whats allready in there.
Section 7.3 is included in stage 1 and is an upgrade of a current unofficial trail Red belly,its in the draft rated black diamond
Ben, you know it's more that some bits of a couple of blue tracks have a few elements that makes them black, more so than it being black all the way if that makes sense? As we discussed at the clean up, it's more a case of getting some DH elements into XC trail, and some of that is due to the technical nature of the land it's planned to go on.
The worry is that our scope normally gets reduce by the NIMBIES and beared non-believers (male and female). Also, from seeing what happened at Golden Jubillee, working with councils (as a trail builder trying to do the job in budget to the program) has it's own challenges. Council means well, it's just how it goes. If the trail builder was working with Farmer Joe, on farmer Joe's land it is likley more would get done, better, for far less, without as much BS.
Noted that it was black diamond, but missed that it was a proper DH trail. I had just assumed it was a descending trail with some technical features, like the lead into 19th Hole and the descent from Allambie to the hydro lab at Manly Dam.
When somebody says DH, I think of that scary stuff that Simon and cuthbert ride
There is a big diference between dh and competition dh
And there is a big diference between dh and freeride.
Oxy is freeride.
Warrimoo is closer to dh
I have read the draft plan and would like to express my whole-hearted support for the proposed mountain bike trails. I am a 44 year old Hornsby Shire resident, and the father of two boys aged 8 and 11. My wife and I chose to move to Thornleigh over 10 years ago, and plan to be here for many more years. One of the reasons we love this area so much is the abundance of bushland, and we have raised our boys to appreciate, enjoy and respect the environment. We go for regular bush walks as a family.
I am also a keen mountain biker, and as my boys get bigger they are increasingly capable of joining me for rides on the fire trails, although the steepness of the local terrain makes it difficult for them to access many of the trails. A purpose built Hornsby facility would enable me to take them for regular rides, and build their skills and confidence as they progress from the beginners trails to the more challenging trails.
Cycling is an excellent sport that enables us to stay healthy and enjoy our beautiful area. The proposed Hornsby trails would make this sport accessible to many more locals, without the risks posed by riding on the road.
In short, we really hope this plan proceeds! Thank you for the opportunity to express my opinion.