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Freedom Dirt Jumps: Urgent Action Needed

Despite Fiday's Manly Daily article indicating that consultation with the Freedom Dirt Jump riders was underway, it appears the bureaucrats may be planning a pre-emptive strike.
Perimeter fencing, star pickets and orange construction mesh have gone up during the day on Friday, and it is thought that demolition is imminent.
While some may disparage the Freedom riders for unauthorised trail construction, the thing we need to bear in mind is this: they have already tried working with Manly Council, and it didn't work.
In a number of critical aspects, their input was ignored. The result at The Grove is unsuitable, flows poorly, and in a number of key areas is higher risk to users than the unauthorised facility it replaced. Trail flow is crucial to safe DJ riding, as are well-defined take-off ramp lips to setting the correct trajectory. The Grove site is deficient in both areas. The second was requested and apparently flatly refused by the council risk consultant, ignoring input from the appropriate subject matter experts - the riders themselves.
Here is the Manly Daily article from last Friday:
There have been several claims reportedly made by Council regarding the Freedom site:
1: It is uninsurable
* What then about skate parks, which share many of the features Council is most concerned about?
* How do the other NSW councils like Wyong and Blue Mountains then deal with it for their own Dirt Jumps??
2: There have been reports of injuries to Council already
* Comment attributed to Henry Wong. Sounds like BS. Given his track record I'll be checking up on this on Monday.
If you wish to write letters to Councillors and the General Manager, here are the contact details:
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
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Per the Manly Daily article yesterday:

The actual situation on the ground as of yesterday afternoon:
I will be mass emailing the above contacts monday!
Isn't the fencing off in line with their stated plans from the article?
“Early next week we will be putting heavy plastic meshing (around the site) as the minimum that needs to be done, as we have been directed by our insurer,” he said. “We are not proposing to level the site, because we would require certain (government) permits.”
where did the "it is thought that demolition is imminent" come from?
Let's not go off half-cocked (like our outrage at the paving of the golf-course single track), by all means let's voice our support for the facility but not get too outraged at the bulldozers coming in, as far as I can see they just want to cover their arses from insurance liability and by putting up fences they mitigate that particular risk
They started work on the fences the morning the paper was released,in the rain, 3days before "early next week",nobody had time to call council.
They said the fence was going to be plastic and "around", the main fence is steel and 2+meters high!,then plastic fences "through" the jumps where installed.
Wong said, the are not proposing to level the site,as permits are needed....wont take long to get permits.
And notice the reason for not leveling the site wasnt, wanting to legalize the site and work with mtb
Also he mention injuries had been reported to council from the site,whatever!
Wong is once again going about it the "wong way".
Even if some of the above is not correct we still need to drill the message home that the council needs to proactivly provide for mtb, not react with closures everytime they see riders in the bush.
P.s The manly dam contractor issue was warranted, as the council where turning the dam into a walking trail,boring and non
relevant,like the grove!
Hawkeye, are you in contact with dave musgrove?
Will send email to them all sunday or Monday
Everyone send an email this weekend if you can,short and sweet or long and drawn out,whateva you,have time for
Wollondilly Shire Council also run a dirt jump park, next to a skate park at Tahmoor.
My point about the paving was that we all overreacted, put together a lynching party and stormed the castle because they were paving the single track like a patio. Once we later heard their side of story we found they were putting the paving under dirt to stabilise the area with no dumbing down of that part of the track and we had to eat humble pie. Yes they should have consulted more with us to avoid the misunderstanding but we still went off half-cocked.
Maybe,but it didnt need stabilizing there, plenty of other areas that need armouring(not paving)
It was "The straw that broke the camels back".
Back to topic,send emails people, we need numbers.
With respect, the reaction regarding the "BBQ Patio" was perfectly understandable in light of the nil communication from Warringah Council and their previous track record of unsuitable work being done on the Dam trail. Items like the sharp-cornered steps down near the hydraulics lab, the wheelbase-spaced logs at the entrance to the 19th Hole singletrack, and the fire trail along Cootamundra Drive. It is my view the reaction was entirely justified at the time. It is pleasing to look back on the misunderstanding and see that the episode actually opened a few doors.
As for us eating humble pie, I would instead say Warringah Council learned a valuable lesson out of it regarding communications with us as stakeholders, and are doing much better now in that department I am happy to say.
However, Manly Council is a different matter. In the absence of any clear statement from Henry Wong about preserving the jumps, it is fair to assume they will not be retained. Given his and his staff's documented conduct concerning bicycle advocate Norman Monshall as cited by the NSW Ombudsman, the track record of his willingness to work with stakeholders is that it is demonstrably poor. Their attitude after copping a shellacking in the Ombudsman's report is not of learning a lesson, but just to get the apology done and get rid of the issue. There has been no change of heart.
Emails are urgently needed.
Looks like the planned bulldozing has been put on hold pending stakeholders and Council discussions.
I posted a comment the daily regarding Richard Morrison's degrading quote.
For local dirt jump riders to just put there hobby on hold indefinitely until this may or may not get sorted out, and may or may not end up like the Grove (A world class dirt jump facility built for free, turned into a $50,000+ bmx track that professionals dont want.
Learn from your past mistakes councils, fix any safety issues at Freedom (signage dirt fill etc) educate your insurer how other councils have legal proper dirt jump facilities.
The freedom dirt jumps are in a great position, big natural trees for shade(like the grove used to have before council bulldozed most of them) riding distance from home for locals. All thats needed is a simple land swap between councils, cheaper and faster.
Maybe a simple log bridge could be built from the street behind to alleviate any parking issues.