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Speak of the devil, just after putting the snake safety post we came across our first snakes of the season. Not on the bike, we'd ventured down to one of our favorite swimming holes for a picnic. Been visiting this spot of more than 25 years and took the camera to do a bit of lizard spotting as there are lots of Cunningham Skinks and Water Dragons but I've never seen as snake here before.
Being the middle of the day I didn't think we'd have much chance at the lizards but they were plentiful and then Thing 2 calls up that ones popped it head up over near where we'd been lounging in the sun just moments before.
"It looked like it might of been a big one," he said as he stealthily approached, "Um dad, I think it's a snake."
Nice sized Eastern Brown (I think still haven't got a 100% ID yet) pops up and poses for us on it's way up to find some shade.
The another family comes down with a dog. We warn them of the snake and the steer the dog down stream only to see another, a little bigger sliding into the water.
Then on the drive home we spot is poor old Red belly that had been run over on the side of the road...
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Sure looks like a brown to me Craig, Mark will know, but them red bellies were never blessed with speed off the mark!!!
Yeah got a confirmation on the reptile forums that it was a brown.
Was reasonable confident but always good to have an expert confirm
Its such a shame snakes can be dangerous as they are such attractive and interesting creatures.
I still believe humans to be the most dangerous of all creatures ha ha, looks like the reptiles are starting to emerge for the season.
Here's my little stimi making a get away
l seen 2 snakes a brown and a red bely as well all ready
Thanks to that Brown Snake vid posted in the other snake safety thread I hsd a dream I was being chased in an underground car park by a tiger snake owned by a taunting Tony Abbott on Wednesday night
This clip was up on Rotorburn.... that is a little scary!!!
bugger me!! let's hope they don't breed with the magpies.. then we'd be proper #*^?!%...
wow thats one hell of a fright to get on the trail
wait till sammy sees that one
at Glenrock this morning-riding along thinking of above video & look up to see a Black snake warming itself up on the Blue Metal rock chunks between the sewerage works & bottom of BJ/SH's-was about 3mtr's away when we both crapped ourselves-he flared a little bit,looked at me then took off into bush