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Ourimbah trail conditions

Looking at heading up to Ourimbah.... Well was planning to head up there but with the current weather, I was unsure. Has anyone ridden the trails recently or know what Condition they would be in?
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Please stay at home.
Heaps of us use the Bureau of Meteorology weather radar.
Allows you to track where rain is falling and how heavy. Can be viewed online or downloaded as an app for iPhone. Ourimbah has had a lot of rain recently/currently as shown on radar.
Is also useful as guide to see how long rain will hold off. Eg yesterday we could see by location of rainfall and wind we had a 3 hour window yesterday afternoon in the beaches before the rain would be here.
It shows current rainfall and also how much has fallen over given time period. Obviously need to allow time to dry out.
Ourimbah's status can be seen here You'll notice an update was made not less than 2 hours prior to your post.
BTW All the trails have a 'status page' and the most recent updates appear on the homepage on the left hand side. Check them out
Happy trails
Thanks all. Needless to say the trip was cancelled. Will wait until we get some dry weather.
Here's another great tool on the BOM's site. You can see amount of rainfall at the actual weather stations across NSW.