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Ourimbah trail condition?

Anyone ridden Ourimbah in the last couple of days since last trail update 11/10/2011? Intend to ride tomorrow (Sat 29) but won't bother if the trails are too wet.
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Winco, rode Ourimbah wednesday although mainly dry it has been badly eroded and washed out on most downhill sections, didn't enjoy it that much, can't remember if we've had much rain since Wed but went to Awaba this morning and that was pretty damp in parts and that holds rain better than Ourimbah... too much rain too many riders at Ourimbah... hope that helps,
Thanks & very appreciated Fred for the update. It's does indeed help. I'll try Kincumber instead as I'm staying at a Friends place in Killcare Sat and Sun. I have never tried this trail before. Fred, may I suggest it's worth you posting a trail condition update for Ourimbah to Yellow or Red to assist others not using Ourimbah this soon after rain? (if you haven't done this already).
Winco, I didn't know I could change trail conditions thanks for the tip though.
Winco, just this minute got back from Ourimbah, track is now great, nice tacky top soil... dried out heaps since earlier in the week, couldn't help thinking I've giving you a bum steer ? maybe you could go tomoz ? keep in mind I saw a notice that club is holding XC race in the morning, good luck
Hey guys, to update the condition just post an update for Ourimbah here. This link can be found on the Ourimbah rides page or older updates, or using the Create... Trail status update in the left hand nav. (just from there you have to select Ourimbah).